New GOP Bill Aims to Protect Second Amendment Rights of Veterans – IOTW Report

New GOP Bill Aims to Protect Second Amendment Rights of Veterans


It’s no secret that the Democratic Party has been the enemy of gun rights for decades. What’s not as well-known, however, is that these efforts have pushed the Department of Veterans Affairs into the same mindset.

According to a 2016 article by The Hill, the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act was passed in 1994 to try to prevent individuals with a mental illness from committing acts of gun violence.

This act has myriad legal and practical problems, but the most egregious is that it enables Veterans Affairs (the VA) to effectively strip the gun rights of thousands of veterans via neither due process nor accountability. read more

8 Comments on New GOP Bill Aims to Protect Second Amendment Rights of Veterans

  1. I’m surprised we haven’t had a big ass false flag already. Some guy wear Trump underwear shooting up a bunch of fourth graders with an AR the has evil gun engraved on the side. You know it’s coming. Our guns are the only thing that stand in their way. They MUST go.

  2. As a veteran, I consider myself blessed to have had a job with good health insurance, even now in retirement to supplement Medicare. I’ve never had to use a VA facility and hope I never do. The way vets are treated in those places is disgusting.

  3. Cheney is kissing our asses, hoping we won’t remember her betrayal of America First

    But we have long memories. Primary is next year. Give $$ to her opponent


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