New Gov’t Regulations Absolutely Plummet Under Trump – IOTW Report

New Gov’t Regulations Absolutely Plummet Under Trump

Daily Caller:

The pace of new government regulations has plunged in President Donald Trump’s first seven months in office, a welcome relief to businesses and banks that have long pushed for less interference in the economy.

In the first half of 2017, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has processed some 67 regulatory actions, ranging from notices to final rules. During the first six months of former President Barack Obama’s first term, the department coursed through three times as many, processing 216 regulatory actions.

New regulations spiked even more under former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs processed 310 under Bush and a whopping 993 under Clinton.


6 Comments on New Gov’t Regulations Absolutely Plummet Under Trump

  1. Trump will spend the majority of his first term unscrewing the mess made by the “community organizer” If nothing else its a productive use of time while the congress sits on its collective ass.

  2. most regulations are designed to make the paying field between small business and large ones uneven.

    big businesses can more easily absorb the cost of the regulations and can donate more money to the professional politician to get the regulations written to benefit them.

    small government is best for true freedom.

  3. The Atlanta Fed is projecting 4% increase in the GDP for this quarter.

    Obama NEVER saw a 4% increase in ANY quarter and was the first president not to have a 3% GDP increase for any year.

    4% is the historic normal annual GDP increase since WW2.

    What did increase was income inequality with the middle class losing an average of $5,000 per year under Obama.

    Just shows was an absolute failure Obama and the left are. Removing a few restrictions – even without a tax cut that benefits millions – unleashes American productivity. What a concept.


    Nothing is more expensive and onerous than the multiple velvet ropes blocking your way to success.

    Nothing is REMOVED FASTER than a government WAIVER to donors and political buddies.

    Just like COMMUNISM, “All for the party, none for everyone else.”

    That’s why the ropes are there.

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