New Gun Training Technique- Person Versus Person -Uses Real Guns and Bullets – IOTW Report

New Gun Training Technique- Person Versus Person -Uses Real Guns and Bullets

Sounds crazy, right?

This is one of those “scenario” training situations where people confront others and determine whether they should use lethal force or not. The wrinkle here is that everyone has real guns and real bullets.

It’s an interesting technique, but I’m not quite sold that it substantially ups the ante on the stress level once everyone realizes no one can actually get hurt.

A little trickery and illusion is used.

Go here to see how it’s done.

One thing, though. Try to look past the little sermon the developer of this technique gives when he says this will also train people to not fire so readily at people when they have racial biases. (Please.)

Does he mean that this will keep the blacks from firing on whitey? I highly doubt it.

I guess the program is looking for the #BLM SEAL of APPROVAL.

ht/ bad brad


1 Comment on New Gun Training Technique- Person Versus Person -Uses Real Guns and Bullets

  1. I have had the shoot/don’t shoot training and this is an interesting system. It could prove useful. Have to see how expensive it is to build/modify a facility to host this as cost is one of the biggest considerations, especially in the current financial situation. And lets face it, sex/race hiring quotas have given people guns and badges that have no business possessing either.

    As far as the anti-bias component, that is pure BS designed to promote sales and it will get officers killed. You work the beat, you have a real good idea of who the players are and where a possible threat is coming from. If you don’t, then get your ass behind a desk.

    If your assigned territory is to drive until you see white people, then turn around because you’ve gone too far, racial bias isn’t going to play any part in when you feel the need to use deadly physical force.

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