New Hampshire investigating voter fraud – IOTW Report

New Hampshire investigating voter fraud

Daily Signal – New Hampshire’s U.S. Senate race was decided by little more than 1,000 votes in November, while the spread between the top two presidential candidates was fewer than 3,000 votes.

While 458 potentially fraudulent votes aren’t enough to have changed the outcome of either race, the questionable votes prompted an investigation by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office and legislation to reform the state’s same-day voter registration.

“It’s not enough to change the result of the national level races, but it could impact state or local races that are often decided by just one vote,” New Hampshire Deputy Secretary of State David Scanlan told The Daily Signal.

Though New Hampshire is a small state, its House of Representatives has 400 members—the largest state legislative body in the United States.

While President Donald Trump and some other Republicans have said voter fraud occurred in last year’s elections, it wasn’t a conservative outlet that turned up inconsistencies in New Hampshire.

A public records request by New Hampshire Public Radio determined that 5,903 New Hampshire voters registered on Election Day using an out-of-state ID under the state’s same-day voter registration law.


4 Comments on New Hampshire investigating voter fraud

  1. We must have solid voter registration to reduce voter fraud. No one can argue against this necessity unless they want to steal elections. It is absolute crap that getting a free state ID is somehow going to disenfranchise someone. If they are THAT stupid, perhaps they should not vote.

    If Democrats think it is really such a hurdle, then all state wealth transfer programs should be suspended. After all, if they cannot seem to vote, a most sacred obligation of citizens, they should not receive a dime from the state they cannot be bothered to support.

  2. The only ones that seem to be constantly fighting against a stricter, more secure voting process are outright Democrats or liberals strongly linked to the Democrat Party. In the smaller states such as New Hampshire a well organised voter fraud campaign can deliver a Senator or Congressman to DC and be hard to trace unless sufficiently motivated. If the Democrats were in power at the State level you can bet even this modest change in securing the voting process would not take place.

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