New Hampshire School District Official Slams Anti-White CRT Propaganda, Says ‘F**k You’ In Stinging Resignation Letter – IOTW Report

New Hampshire School District Official Slams Anti-White CRT Propaganda, Says ‘F**k You’ In Stinging Resignation Letter

What a great letter. How did I miss this story???
[If someone else has posted it already, just see it again ‘for the first time.’ lol]

National File:

A New Hampshire school district site coordinator has stood up against anti-white CRT propaganda being pushed as “training” by the board, posting his stinging resignation letter on social media.

Daniel Concannon, a 21st Century Leaning Center site coordinator for the Manchester School District in New Hampshire, first became concerned about anti-white propaganda, also known as “critical race theory,” being pushed as official training by the district in March this year. All the site coordinators, including Concannon, had received an email from Liz Penn, the program coordinator, instructing them to complete a series of trainings by March 5th, including one entitled “white privilege.”

The training, as detailed by Concannon in a HR complaint, repeatedly referred to the problem of “white privilege” and the term “whiteness” around 18 times, claimed that children not being able to pronounce names of foreign students at first try is racist, and included openly political editorials and essays arguing that meritocracy is a myth and all white people are oppressors. Although clearly mandatory at first, with deadlines included to complete the training, it was retroactively determined to not be mandatory following Concannon’s initial complaint, and backlash in the media.

After getting nowhere, despite noting that such training would be in violation of both Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Manchester School District’s own anti-harassment policy, Concannon resigned his position from the New Hampshire board in a stinging letter posted to social media, where he slammed the anti-white training. more here

8 Comments on New Hampshire School District Official Slams Anti-White CRT Propaganda, Says ‘F**k You’ In Stinging Resignation Letter

  1. In agreement with Left Coast Dan.
    The NEA is a strong armed, militant Socialist Organization
    forcing schools to present and teach Critical Race Theory & ‘1619 project.
    The NEA substandard Teachers are teaching your children. Why are parents keeping their children in Failed Public Schools?

    Home school and Faith based schools teach children appropriate content and “real” History. So many Home Schooled and those who attended faith based Education have become University graduates.

    Now is the time to pursue the investigation of an alternative Education for your children. Check for geographic area for a Home school Association. They can help you with a Curriculum, books, assignments and answer questions. Or Contact Faith Based Education opportunities. The Public Schools are filled with socialist teachers teaching their ideology of cancel culture, division, racism, perversion, trans-sexuals to use the girls restrooms and play girls sports,
    LEAVE the Propaganda mills called the Failed Public School System.

  2. Pull your kids out of public school, people. It has to be clear by now that the public school system not only has nothing of value to offer, it’s actually been weaponized against the very people who work to fund it with their taxes. You and your kids deserve better, and can DO better, without it.

  3. The only thing that isn’t considered racism in today’s public schools is teaching socialism and that if you’re white, you have to be a racist.


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