NEW HAMPSHIRE: Secretary of State Gardner Agrees to Forensic Audit of Windham’s Voting Machines And Ballots – IOTW Report

NEW HAMPSHIRE: Secretary of State Gardner Agrees to Forensic Audit of Windham’s Voting Machines And Ballots

Gateway Pundit-

As we previously reported at The Gateway Pundit —
A November hand recount in the Rockingham District 7 NH House Race in Windham, New Hampshire, found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted EVERY REPUBLICAN by roughly 300 votes.

Via Facebook

The Dominion-owned machine results were wrong for all 4 Republicans in Windham by 6% or almost exactly 300 votes.

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5 Comments on NEW HAMPSHIRE: Secretary of State Gardner Agrees to Forensic Audit of Windham’s Voting Machines And Ballots

  1. Arizona, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and now New Hampshire?!?!

    Sure looks like a pattern that no one wanted to discuss for months.

    TRUMP WON 2020

  2. When there is any question of vote integrity, a thorough audit should be demanded by all sides, both the winner and the loser. It publicly proves that they are really what they are.

    That’s the only way to give people trust in the system, and without trust it all ends up breaking down.

  3. I really, truly hope that “this is great news” however I fear that once again we’ll wind up falling for Lucy holding the football. Time and time again we see the deed’s been done and all that’s left is the discusion (read screaming and pontificating) about new laws. Then they pat each other on the back and the next time the defecrats need to win they’ll cheat and cheat again knowing they will be given a free pass by the Bought & Paid For Media, the FBI and the Supreme Court! We don’t need any new laws drawn up for the last crime. What they did was already against the law, just enforce it! With TEETH!! The penalties for fraud and tampering as does the enforcement need to be seriously ramped up to where no one will dare to cheat in the first place!


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