New Hampshire: Walkin’ Pets donates mini-wheelchair to puppy unable to walk – IOTW Report

New Hampshire: Walkin’ Pets donates mini-wheelchair to puppy unable to walk

Pratt wants people to know that a mobility problem for a pet does not need to be an end of life decision.

WMUR9: New Hampshire pet mobility company Walkin’ Pets has donated a mini-wheelchair to a puppy unable to walk, after a video of the puppy making friends with a pigeon unable to fly went viral.

The Mia Foundation, a rescue organization in Rochester, New York that rehabilitates animals with birth defects and physical deformities, brought the two together.

The foundation was sent a mini-wheelchair by Amherst-based Walkin’ Pets. The wheelchair is small enough to fit the two-pound puppy.

“It was great to know there was something I could do to help this adorable little animal whose story was everywhere,” said Jennifer Pratt from Walkin’ Pets. MORE HERE

7 Comments on New Hampshire: Walkin’ Pets donates mini-wheelchair to puppy unable to walk

  1. Would be nice if political contributions during election years were made for this instead.
    Agrees, this should be a “team” rescue adoption, instead of the Sanders/Buttigieg abortion they voted for.

  2. …the Mia foundation works with a LOT of very differently abled animals, mostly dogs, but rescues some birds and cats as well, and has rescued the occasional goat, pig, donkey, turkey, and what have you. Mrs. Supernightshade is a long time donor, so we see a lot about the animals no one else would bother with because they are so sick, damaged, or just born with birth defects.

    The endings are sad in many cases, starting with the actual Chihuahua named “Mia”, but the lives they live and love they give is well worth it.

    We’ve never had a reason to doubt them, Sue Rodgers, her husband, and some voulenteers, they do good work. I could best let them speak for themselves, though.

    Check them out. You won’t be disappointed.


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