New High-Resolution Images of Polaris Reveal Unexpected Features on the Surface of the North Star – IOTW Report

New High-Resolution Images of Polaris Reveal Unexpected Features on the Surface of the North Star


Polaris is located almost directly above the North Pole, making it the current northern pole star. It is situated at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor) constellation. Its unique position almost aligned with Earth’s rotational axis makes it appear almost stationary in the sky, with other stars seeming to rotate around it. This has made it a crucial tool for navigation for centuries【source: NASA]. more here

7 Comments on New High-Resolution Images of Polaris Reveal Unexpected Features on the Surface of the North Star

  1. Article:

    …the spots and the rate at which Polaris rotates appear to suggest a 120-day radial velocity variation, indicating changes in the star’s velocity along our line of sight.

    “Radial velocity variation” my ass. What a dumb way of saying the photosphere swells and shrinks.

    But that’s just a poor reflection on the article’s writer. The astronomers have done a stellar (!) job that I never considered remotely possible. Kudos!


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