New Homeland Security research shows sunlight, humidity kill coronavirus quickly – IOTW Report

New Homeland Security research shows sunlight, humidity kill coronavirus quickly

Homeland Security official: ‘I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes, isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing.’

29 Comments on New Homeland Security research shows sunlight, humidity kill coronavirus quickly

  1. Any glimmer of bad news is magnified and sensationalized. Any good news like this is stifled and ignored.
    The media would gladly weld all of us into our homes permanently if given the chance.

  2. I would have liked for Bill B. to give a little more information about this good news. OK, bleach kills the virus. But does that mean bleach straight out of the Clorox bottle, or bleach diluted to a concentration commonly used for other cleaning and disinfecting? And isopropyl alcohol kills the virus even faster. But I’ve seen that stuff sold in 50%, 70%, and 90% concentrations. What did his lab use?

    I took a look at the DHS Science and Technology web page and found nothing about this stuff.

  3. FWIW, Vinegar is a pretty good disinfectant as well, I don’t know if it has been tested for this, and is a good cleaning agent as well.

    I use 70% alcohol with vinegar added for all sorts of cleaning where some kind of spray cleaner is best for the purpose. I imagine it disinfects whatever surface I’m using it on as well as cleans it.

  4. If anyone is wondering, you can use a spray bottle with Dawn and water to kill ants and soft bodied insects.
    I use about a 1teaspoon to 1 tablespoon (depending on the bug) of Dawn in a spray bottle the size of a windex bottle.

    Also, if you have product buildup in your hair (or hard water), use about a quarter size of regular Dawn (or Palmolive Ultra for me) and it cuts all that crap right out. Follow with a conditioner if you need it. Repeat once a month, or every other month as needed.

  5. Excellent news. Since the wicked bitch of the north, Michigan governor Whitmer, has closed the boat ramps and ruled out using a motor boat I’ll call her office and let her know what the medical professionals are saying. What could be healthier than summer on a boat with sunlight, basking in the warmth and surrounded by humidity.

    Even some of my liberal friends are starting to question her motives. They now see it as a political move. But only because they are being laid off. All this time they thought they were essential. What fools.

  6. Not new information.

    Butcher shops often have Some UV lights on the wall in the meat cutting areas because UV damages Bacteria.

    I have had a UV Bulb in my Ductwork at my house for about 10 years. (above the Cooling A-Coil)
    It does not clean the air. The principle is that it damages bacteria genetic code.

    You still need a good quality pleated air filter to remove dust and keep the furnace clean which should be changed regularly.

    Think of a basic 16,25×1 inch similar to a 3M at home depot. You DO NOT need the 3M one but something similar that is not so weak that it will collapse into the furnace if it loads with too much dirt.

    I use DAFCO MERV 8 aprox $60 for a box of 12 professionally.
    (thats what the Canadian suppliers have in stock)

    Something like this should get you 3 months each filter and last 3 years. Google it and look for something similar in the USA.

    The really shitty loose fiberglass threaded ones $4 for a pack of 3 are absolutely garbage & will not even stop a grain of Salt or sugar.

    In My Opinion, The 3M is SEVERELY OVERPRICED and the Cardboard is weaker than what I would like. Plus, their higher micron rated ones restrict the airflow of the fan through the furnace and A/C too much which can cause other issues.
    The BOX hardware stores are trying to “up sell” You to what is really not needed and makes some very unrealistic claims.

    After 25 years people are finally admitting that even the Hallowed M95 wont stop a virus from entering directly (size of a virus) but it is great at stopping/ slowing/ redirecting Droplets which are MUCH bigger from exiting outwards with velocity.

    Change a decent filter often is the best advice I can give you. and the biggest tip I can give is DO NOT KEEP the CAT SHIT BOX NEXT TO THE FURNACE.
    1) spreads really bad germs & Odour
    2) Pisses of the HVAC technicians and WE ADD TO THE BILL

  7. Medical peeps, help me out here. Don’t they use UV to kill bacteria in blood? I seem to remember something about docs using it on blood (inside the body) over an artery or something.

  8. “Chlorine bleach or Oxygen bleach?”

    Chlorine bleach.

    FWIW “oxygen” bleaches usually have something in them (usually a percarbonate such as sodium percarbonate) that produces hydrogen peroxide when used in cleaning solutions. Hydrogen peroxide should work better than using one of those powdered oxygen bleaches since it will be much stronger than the diluted powder but the powder would be better for cleaning since is produces washing soda and (a weak % of) hydrogen peroxide when in solution.

    Grocery store store 3% hydrogen peroxide is a decent disinfectant, but I don’t know if it has been studied on corona viruses.

    Don’t even think about using the strong (30-70%) industrial hydrogen peroxide, it can cause all sorts of problems including fires and explosions.

  9. At day 7 we were laughing it off that the beer was worse even with lime. Day 8 it got rough. HEAT my friends. And yes, my wife and I are both essential to our community, and are both back at work.

  10. People who are outside getting fresh air, vitamin D and exercise are people who are not inside watching TV and getting their government-mandated, government-provided Two Minutes of Crippling Anxiety.


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