New Jersey: Actor takes plea deal over prop pellet gun used in film – IOTW Report

New Jersey: Actor takes plea deal over prop pellet gun used in film

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. (AP) — An actor who played a bit part in an independent gangster film and used a prop pellet gun without a New Jersey gun permit likely won’t have to serve a prison term.

Carlo Goias goes by the stage name Carlo Bellario. He was charged under the state’s strict gun statute, which requires permits for firearms including the airsoft gun he used while filming a car chase scene in “Vendetta Games.” Airsoft guns fire nonlethal plastic pellets.  more

13 Comments on New Jersey: Actor takes plea deal over prop pellet gun used in film

  1. Can’t wait for the robots. We sure can’t trust our fellow human beings to govern
    on our behalf! Power does tend to corrupt and they all seem to be corrupted!

  2. This is why I’m SO against Crispy . . . uhhh. . . Christy. . . .being anywhere near the Big Seat. For a governor that’s SOOOOO much supposed to be a “conservative”, the gun rights in NJ SUCK!!

  3. Yo! Nuh Joisey. Yo!

    Nuh Joisey is wut happens w’en Nuh Yoik Ciddy and F*ckin’ Philly has a Luv child. He ain’t too bright, needuz. Duh noit, is all Nuh Yoik, and duh sout’ is all Philly. In butween? Ain’t nutin’ but Joisey shoah, home ‘a Guidos.


  4. A permit for an airsoft gun? WTH??? Does the governor get to sleep with your bride on the wedding night too??

    It baffles my mind why anybody would live under such an unconstitutional tyrannical form of government.

    A fucking permit for a toy???? Son of a bitch that’s criminal!!!!

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