New Jersey driver crashes car after passing out from wearing N95 mask – IOTW Report

New Jersey driver crashes car after passing out from wearing N95 mask

This was from April 2020

“The LPPD responded to a lone occupant single car motor vehicle crash yesterday. The crash is believed to have resulted from the driver wearing an N95 mask for several hours and subsequently passing out behind the wheel due to insufficient oxygen intake/excessive carbon dioxide intake,” the cops wrote.

13 Comments on New Jersey driver crashes car after passing out from wearing N95 mask

  1. Yup. I remember reading about this then and thinking not for the first time that it’s disquieting to realize that people that stupid can pass the driver license test.

    And they’re all around us every time we’re out on the road.

  2. Wearing a Mask in a car?
    Stupid is as Stupid does comes to mind.

    But in all honesty, I don’t but the mask being the primary issue
    for passing out and the accident.

  3. Try wearing on when you climb a 35 foot vertical building ladder while carrying 40 lbs of tools in 98degF weather and 35% humidity.

  4. I just can’t imagine being so afraid of the Kung Flu that I would drive around wearing a mask. What is WRONG with people like that? I wear mine only in stores and only then because they won’t let you in without one. Mask goes on when I get to the threshold of the store and comes off the second I exit the doors.

  5. @Deplorable Second Class : I have allergic asthma that presents mostly as a cough. When they were prepping me for surgery it started acting up and I kept adjusting the mask. To the point the anesthetist finally just told me to take it off and then he plopped the oxygen mask on me from above my head. Crooked and half on my nose. One of the nurses rolled her eyes and straightened it. That was the last thing I remember before waking up in recovery. 😀

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