New Jersey- Gun Ban Exempts Cops but Makes Veterans Criminals – IOTW Report

New Jersey- Gun Ban Exempts Cops but Makes Veterans Criminals

BG: New Jersey recently made one million of its citizens criminals by banning common firearm ammunition magazines without any grandfathering provision, but plaintiffs challenging the statute on Second Amendment grounds also argue that it violates equal protection because it exempts retired law enforcement but not retired military – a feature noticed just as America prepares to celebrate the Fourth of July.

The new gun ban makes it illegal for the part of the firearm that contains the ammunition rounds, which is called a magazine, to contain more than ten rounds. Many common firearms are designed to carry more than ten, but possessing such devices is now a crime in the Garden State.  more here

12 Comments on New Jersey- Gun Ban Exempts Cops but Makes Veterans Criminals

  1. The difference of importance to NJ pols is that law enforcers, both active and retired, are a well-organized and unionized dem voting bloc. Retired military are not.

    I think the stupid pols are even stupider than usual with this ukase.

  2. Re-education camps for Veterans and use drugs and hypnotherapy to make them forget how to shoot, and to lose that pesky Patriotic streak.
    And add pantsuit appreciation traits in time for 2020

  3. why do new jersey politicians hate their taxpayers so much ?

    because that’s who is being targeted by such nonsense laws?

    the ms-13 gang members and other illegal gun owners don’t care about obeying gun laws.

  4. The same outlaw government that can tell you that you can’t have 11 round mags is also the same that can then say one round only and then no rounds.
    Barney was only allowed just one so why would anybody need more?


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