New Jersey lawmaker wants more action to protect residents from New York tax officials – IOTW Report

New Jersey lawmaker wants more action to protect residents from New York tax officials

(The Center Square) – A Republican lawmaker says New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy needs to “stop rolling over” as New York state tax officials step up enforcement to collect income tax payments from New Jersey residents.

But the governor’s office says the state has already taken action and that the U.S. Supreme Court needs to weigh in on the matter.

According to The Wall Street Journal, tax officials in New York state are auditing New Jersey residents’ tax returns. Empire State officials argue New Jersey residents who usually worked in New York before the COVID-19 pandemic but are now working remotely still need to pay New York income taxes.

“It’s shocking to watch as Governor Murphy continues to sit silent while a horde of tax officials in Albany are issuing billions of dollars of tax bills to New Jersey residents for income earned here in the Garden State during the pandemic,” state Sen. Steven Oroho, the Senate Republican budget officer, said in a news release. more

3 Comments on New Jersey lawmaker wants more action to protect residents from New York tax officials

  1. So why is NJ allowing NY tax officials access to Tax records? Isn’t that protected, private information? Didn’t president Trump win a court battle over this? Sheesh, Murphy, close the books!

  2. There are a LOT of cities that tax the workers.
    Most all of them are claiming taxes are owed even as these workers stayed home.
    You have to sue to get your money back.

  3. Never for a moment think the government is on your side, it’s not. The keep generating new taxes then take a percentage in a vast array of kickbacks for themselves and pals. Smoke and mirrors tax departments. NY State is right up there on tax trick professionals.

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