New Jersey: Muslim inmate sues jail, charging discrimination against Muslims – IOTW Report

New Jersey: Muslim inmate sues jail, charging discrimination against Muslims

Jihad Watch: 

“A Muslim inmate is suing Somerset County Jail, claiming he’s been discriminated against when employees attempted to offer him Kosher meals in place of Halal.”

But the Qur’an says that “the food of the People of the Book is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them” (5:5), which means that Muslims can eat kosher foods and food prepared by Christians. That makes clear that Sherone Long’s lawsuit is just another exercise in Islamic supremacism, attempting to gain special privileges and accommodation for Muslims, in accord with their privileged status in Islamic law.

Also, imagine if Sherone Long were a Nazi, and that Nazis had food laws. In that case, would Somerset County Jail have any obligation to reinforce his ideology?  read more

8 Comments on New Jersey: Muslim inmate sues jail, charging discrimination against Muslims

  1. Ok so we Kill their stinky friends in a Halal manner and let them Feast, this should satisfy everyone still alive. Think of the savings, it’s better than double coupon week.

  2. “In 2015 lawsuit, Long alleged that Charles O’Neill, the Somerset County Jail warden, deprived Long of his religious rights over a period of 2 to 3 years by not offering Islamic services at the jail.”

    Three years in County?

    Anyway, he is way past being first in line to bring these claims.
    And his won’t be the first or last to be thrown out of court, well before trial.
    The case is filed in federal court, and federal courts deal with these a lot. by the hundred, more, in a few states.

    One of the games being played by the inmate is to see if he, or she, can get the case all the way to a jury trial. The reward is days, or weeks, at least a few days, our of the institution, into civilian territory, and to become, in their eyes, a Mr. Important in a court room, in front of a jury. Can’t blame them.


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