New Jersey raises age for tobacco sales to 21, joining California and Hawaii – IOTW Report

New Jersey raises age for tobacco sales to 21, joining California and Hawaii

Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill Friday banning the sale of tobacco products in New Jersey to anyone under the age of 21.

The Garden State will become the third in the nation to limit tobacco sales to individuals 21 and up when the law takes effect November 1, at which point vendors caught selling cigarettes, tobacco products and electronic smoking devices to customers will risk facing fines of up to $1,000.


19 Comments on New Jersey raises age for tobacco sales to 21, joining California and Hawaii

  1. Why 21? Why not 26? After all, they need to be on Mommy and Daddy’s health insurance until then because they aren’t adult enough to take care of themselves.

    Can’t smoke, vote, drive, join the military, have sex, feed themselves …

  2. Inching closer to the NewWorldOrder nanny state every day.

    Almost threw up in my mouth this morning, watching Youwan Williams on Fox News Sunday soil himself praising John McCain as the most heroic, most noble, most honorable Senator/war hero that lived evah!!!!

  3. Like so much of American life, the adolescent vote sprang from the unrealistic idea that we are all equal in everything. Girls can be SEALs, everyone should go to college, that sort of thing. During Vietnam, the argument was that if the young were old enough to die in Asia, they were old enough to vote. And if six-year-olds are old enough to die in car accidents, they are old enough to drive.
    Raise the voting age to thirty. Children of eighteen lack experience of the things they affect with the votes. They have an eighth-grade education—about what a high-school diploma is worth these days—I do not recommend them as fit to stir the pots of governance. If you are or were a parent to teenagers, you know the unwisdom of letting our tender, young sprouts decide anything beyond their choice of godawful music.
    We also need the literacy test as a requirement for voting. The situation is dire if half of the population cannot read and most of the rest don’t read much then in most cases this will mean never having willingly read a book. I don’t want these running a country. The objection will be raised that to require literacy will be to disenfranchise various minorities. The solution is for the various minorities to learn to read. Why is it thought that people who hardly know what they are voting about will do it wisely?
    What possible cause is there for thinking the willfully dull, the deliberately ignorant, or the dull and ignorant, should be allowed to influence policy on matters that they cannot spell? Given that everyone today has access to virtually every book ever written and to the internet, there is little excuse for living in Oprah fog and Eminem darkness.
    People who can barely read don´t. Yet we allow them to vote. And what do we get in exchange? They vote almost at random, or in the direction in which they are shooed by cunning electoral mechanics and fixers.

  4. Meanwhile the Beach Zeppelin OKed a law to give schools transgender policy guidance…
    WTF! If you really want to help kids, how about a law that prohibits any gender change until age 21 when kids are better equipped (or leat on their own) to make an intelligent decision on their own! At that time you can explain to them that they have the right to be anything they want, just don´t expect me or my society to pay for any of your dumb-ass decisions. That shit gets paid for outta your pocket! Think it through. Thoroughly!
    If we adhered to that philosophy I guarantee you there would be a whole lot less of this insanity!
    Anything less is simply child abuse especially involving something that is irreversible!

  5. If the government was actually here to help and truly believed that cigarettes, without a doubt, caused illness, cancer, premature death, excessive load on the healthcare system then they would ban it (maybe). You’d still get some smuggling but I suspect the use would drop 90% amost overnight. But they aren’t there to care about us, they’re there to care about themselves and the precious tax dollars that flood in from Tobacco and tobacco workers in whatever medium. If you do an honest study a lifelong smoker costs the social system less then someone who never touched the stuff. They die earlier, when they do get sick they don’t linger using up medical resources, they don’t collect as much social security (what with being dead and all), don’t collect pensions, don’t collect a lot. Nope, those lovely tax dollars they tell us (both sides of the border) are going to fight the ravages of cancer and pay for all that extra stuff smokers are responsible for is actually going into general revenue to pay for arts grants so the politians get invited to those trendy and start studded cocktail parties or Cannes to see some movies without popcorn but with $300 bottles of champagne.

  6. Smoke? You’re gonna die!
    Don’t Smoke? You’re STILL gonna die!

    Fat? You’re gonna die!
    Skinny? You’re STILL gonna die!

    Eat Meat? You’re gonna die!
    Don’t Eat Meat? You’re STILL gonna die!

    Negroid? You’re gonna die!
    Caucasoid? You’re STILL gonna die!

    Get right with God.
    Fuck all that other shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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