New Jersey vs. Gun Owners – IOTW Report

New Jersey vs. Gun Owners

American Thinker:

By Rick Fuentes

For much of the past forty years and more often at government expense, Phil Murphy has surrounded himself with a well-armed and trained private and public security force, first as a bigwig with Goldman Sachs, then as U.S. ambassador to Germany for Barack Obama, and now as governor of the deep-blue Garden State that narrowly elected him to a second term amidst an unforeseen red wave of discontent at the ballot box.  Along the way, his dogma evolved from boardroom idealism to political progressivism, an evolution familiar to those of moneyed privilege and far removed from the trials of life on Main Street.

One would think that an electoral narrow escape in a state accommodating a three-to-one Democrat majority would force an epiphany regarding one’s causes célèbre.  With the courage of a lame duck, Murphy is instead approaching his second inauguration by doubling down, tacking hard left to focus upon his party’s playbook — offering sanctuary and free money to tens of thousands of illegal immigrants, pushing hate curricula in grade school, still surrendering legalized marijuana consumption to the black market, and rendering the citizenry defenseless through gun control schemes.  

The window to effectively disarm New Jerseyans is closing within days.  The current legislative session ends on January 11, replaced by a Democratic majority wounded by the loss of eight Assembly seats to the Republican caucus and the red flag of a cliffhanger election.  Wrapped in the rhetoric of gun safety and citing a recent Michigan school shooting as the du jour act to move quickly, Murphy has opened a salvo on the state’s one million legal gun owners by dissimulating the actual causes of gun crime. read more

19 Comments on New Jersey vs. Gun Owners

  1. Here’s my proposal and it would actually do what Democrats promise.

    All Law Enforcement Agencies have 72 hours from the time it was reported to enter the brand, model and serial number into a national data base of any and all firearms reported stolen.

    This database shall be online and accessible to all.

    If you steal a firearm and get caught you get a sentence enhancement of 10 years PER FIREARM STOLEN. To be served consecutively. No parole.

    If you possess a stolen firearm you get five years sentence or sentence enhancement of 5 years PER STOLEN FIREARM IN YOUR POSSESSION. To be served consecutively. No parole.

    Any agency that does not report within 72 hours losses all federal funding. Any prosecutor’s office who does not prosecute, the entire jurisdiction loses ALL FEDERAL FUNDING, across the board.

    These are mandatory sentences and the judge has no say in it. Period. Full stop.

    If you commit a crime using a stolen firearm you get a sentence enhancement of 25 years. No parole.

  2. “…governor of the deep-blue Garden State that narrowly elected him to a second term…”

    ..yes, *giggle!* narrowly “elected”.

    yes, that’s, goooood, go with that.

    …after all, I *snicker* “counted” the ballots, so I should know…

  3. Murphy has opened a salvo on the state’s one million legal gun owners

    The United States’ residents, who proudly signed up, to offer aid and succor to those that called Americans, called even The United States Constitution, “enemy”, might be first in line for discomfiture? OH NOES!

  4. In Joizy, the gun laws are such that anyone wanting to buy and keep a “long gun” (rifle or shotgun) has to fill out a permit application at the local cop shop, get fingerprinted and HOPE that the local PD chief isn’t an anti-2A jerk.

    If anyone wants to buy & keep a handgun, then they have to do the same as the above but go thru the PITA process for every time they buy a handgun. The handgun purchase permit is good for only 90 days too, so you’d better have a good idea of what you want to buy before you go thru the permit process.

  5. Mansfield,

    That is actually MUCH MORE restrictive than Long Guns In Canuckistan. We don’t get printed.

    I have never understood how the US Amendments are interpreted so differently from state to state.

    just a comment, not a criticism

  6. @JDHasty
    “If you possess a stolen firearm you get five years sentence or sentence enhancement of 5 years PER STOLEN FIREARM IN YOUR POSSESSION. To be served consecutively. No parole.”
    What if you possess a “stolen” firearm unknowingly, like you purchased it legally, but sometime in the past it was stolen?
    Or worse yet, what if some worthless bureaucrat improperly records your serial number in the “stolen” file?

  7. “What if you possess a “stolen” firearm unknowingly, like you purchased it legally, but sometime in the past it was stolen?”

    It’s actually possible to have weapons that were bought before or traded for before the registration frenzy started. It’d be a real bitch to have one turn up as stolen. Just sayin’ JD.

    I’d prefer to have 2A as it was intended, that is I can walk into any hardware or gun store, pay and leave with any damn weapon in the place including full auto long guns. And the only paperwork is the fucking receipt.

    If you have a weapon stolen, then report it. But more laws are the mark of a society out of control

  8. One of the biggest problems with all of these gun laws is, what is the first thing the shitbag DA gives up in the first round of plea bargaining? Yup, the gun charges. All of these gun control laws are designed to be used against the law abiding citizens.

  9. That image of the gun smoke rising from the open action of the shotgun reminds me of the distinct pleasure of smelling gun smoke any time a gun in fired and the action is opened to release the spent cartridge.
    No libtard will ever get that feeling.

  10. @JDHasty January 6, 2022 at 1:32 pm

    > Here’s my proposal and it would actually do what Democrats promise.

    The only problem with what the Bolsheviks want to do to us, is the way they want to get it done.

    Here! Let me show you how Patriots(TM) do Bolshevism! FOR FREEDOM!

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