New Jobs Report – IOTW Report

New Jobs Report

The libs may be doing a happy-dance celebration, but…

WesternJournalism– If you were to read only the first paragraph of the Associated Press report on the government’s brand new jobs report, you’d be led to believe that President Obama’s economic policies are working beautifully. But then the AP quickly changes its happy tune about the June jobs numbers for the nation and — in a stunning about-face that contradicts its own initial assessment of the country’s job health — reveals the dark side of the just-issued Labor Department report.


Here’s the AP’s opening “hip-hip-hooray, Obama” paragraph as carried on the left-leaning (and Obama loving) Huffington Post:

U.S. employers added a solid 223,000 jobs in June, and the unemployment rate fell to 5.3 percent, a seven-year low. The numbers reflect a job market moving close to full health and raise expectations that the Federal Reserve will start raising interest rates as early as September.

Did you catch that part about the “job market moving close to full health?” If that’s the rosy scenario we’re now celebrating, how can the Associated Press — only a few words removed from that happy dance — say the following about the drop in the unemployment rate?

The rate fell mostly because many people out of work gave up on their job searches and were no longer counted as unemployed.  MORE

8 Comments on New Jobs Report

  1. Since The Donald is getting so much attention right now I would like to see him take on this subject. He is on a roll right now and with the media jumping on what he says this is a good time to bring it up. Even if Trump is the last person you would vote for at least he isn’t afraid to say what he believes. He gets more attention than our other candidates as well.

  2. Since Obama became president, employment hit a new low in June at 62.6% . It’s the lowest since Oct 1977. Even worse, the inflation adjusted median salary has been falling every year.

  3. Yep. Unemployment is still over 23%.

    Here’s more from ShadowStats.

    • June Payrolls (Number of Jobs, Not People with Jobs) Rose by 223,000, But Number of People with Full-Time Employment Dropped by 349,000

    • June Payroll Gain of 223,000 Was Just 163,000, Net of a Downside Revision of 60,000 Jobs to Overstated May Payrolls

    • Bad News—Drop in Unemployment from 5.5% to 5.3% Reflected 375,000 Unemployed Disappearing from the Labor Force, Instead of Finding Gainful Employment

    • June 2015 Unemployment: 5.3% (U.3), 10.5% (U.6), 23.1% (ShadowStats)

    When private enterprise cooks the books, it’s a felony. When Obama has the Labor Department cook the books on the employment numbers, it’s “economic recovery is just around the corner!” That must be one helluva corner because we’ve been going around it for 6 f’ing years now!

  4. Pull the fat cumbersome governmental programming rug out ( not too fast or riots), and we’ll see who’ll earn a keep and who won’t. To those that won’t ( assuming opportunities are available at that time!), must go hungry. Big Fat Reset.

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