New Lawsuit Alleges Pennsylvania Democrats Broke Election Laws – IOTW Report

New Lawsuit Alleges Pennsylvania Democrats Broke Election Laws

Federalist: In the latest of several lawsuits against Pennsylvania election officials, Republicans say deputy elections secretary Jonathan Marks violated state code by notifying Democrat Party representatives of ballots that were rejected before the polls closed.

In a process called “curing” ballots, officials note which ballots are set to be rejected and reach out to the voter to allow him to cast a new provisional ballot. Election officials in Pennsylvania allegedly told Democrat operatives the names and contact information of voters whose ballots were rejected before the end of Election Day, which Republicans say violates state election laws.


Eight other Pennsylvania counties refused to follow Marks’ instructions since they violated election code, the lawsuit adds. It also quotes the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s acknowledgment that “unlike in-person voters, mail-in or absentee voters are not provided any opportunity to cure perceived [ballot] defects in a timely manner.” The court made the statement in its recent decision forbidding election officials from rejecting ballots based on the voter’s signature.


15 Comments on New Lawsuit Alleges Pennsylvania Democrats Broke Election Laws

  1. Remember whut everybody’s favorite Communist said:
    It’s not the people who vote that count.
    It’s the people who COUNT the votes!
    Yes folks, democracy has one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel! We’re quickly sliding down the slippery slope to Banana Republic Land while the Left tells us that banana peels are good for the feet!
    This election may be over, but the war has only just begun.

  2. This whole Covid bullshit was just a tool to collapse the economy and subjugate the population while creating a phony narrative to mandate mail in ballots to steal the election.
    This whole process has been a collaboration between the democrats, the deep state and their Chinese masters.
    Time for the civil war to begin.

  3. I don’t get it. When it comes to the 2A, people swear “They’ll have to pry my gun out of my dead, cold hands!” or “Come and take it!” There are too many of us who are ready to throw in the crying towell on this election.

  4. Funny how they just keep finding more votes for Jackass Joe, but none for President Trump huh!!! This must be the week that the Statistical Laws of Regularity and Large numbers took a powder!

  5. “Funny how they just keep finding more votes for Jackass Joe … ”

    That’s why we have election observers, it keeps things honest since they would spot and expose it if it wasn’t.

  6. Anonymous – You mean that’s why they kept election observers from getting close enough to keep things honest! Stop pissing on our heads and telling us it’s just raining!

  7. And despite the FACT that observers were NOT allowed in the counting room, as is law, and happened in all other states, the Lt Gov of PA and the Media continue to LIE saying there is NO evidence of impropriety.

    IOW, PA don’t need no stinking laws?!?!

  8. Anonymous @ NOVEMBER 6, 2020 AT 10:10 AM
    If you are the same Anonymous @ NOVEMBER 6, 2020 AT 9:57 AM, then I apologize for not seeing your sarcasm. Use a pseudonym to avoid the confusion.


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