New Mantra For Midterms … The Economy Is Senile! – IOTW Report

New Mantra For Midterms … The Economy Is Senile!


Cat food at the Dollar Store was $4.79, now $7.99!

“It’s the economy, stupid.”

That was accepted political wisdom back in the Clinton era. But now a different president has been installed, and it is time for a new mantra for the midterms.

“It’s the economy, senile.”

The Democrats fantasize about riding abortion to victory in November. Of course, they’ve also been hitching their hopes to promoting transgenderism, the grooming of 5-year-olds, an invasion of criminal illegal immigrants, cheap fentanyl, critical race theory, the deindustrialization of America, etc.

Democrats’ dreams, Americans’ nightmares.

Let’s check in with my listeners and texters to see what’s bothering them — mostly inflation, shrinkflation and just the overall Biden fundamental transformation of America into Venezuela North.

We call this segment “Let’s Go Brandon.”

7 Comments on New Mantra For Midterms … The Economy Is Senile!

  1. 6 months ago a large bag of Iam’s cat food at Sam’s Club was $24 and it is now $35.
    Usually lobster in Maine is $4.99 – $5.99 lb for live and it’s now $10.99. Brandon shut down the fishing areas Obama shut and Trump opened.
    We could name stupidly high prices for things all day.
    This is on purpose.
    Even Pedo Joe’s people aren’t hiding it any more.
    They’re even calling it the new Liberal World Order.

  2. @Dominion July 8, 2022 at 10:30 am

    > The only real question for November is whether you will be able to stop me.

    Awww… You think if Patriots(TM) out voater harderer “you”, the government that picks the candidates will Change(TM).

    Well, bless your (shiny, metal) heart!

  3. Don’t forget:
    $54 Billion to Ukraine.
    $50 Billion for Semiconductors.
    Interest rate increase $250 Million per day.
    $250 Million per day, $91,250,000,000 per year. That $275 for every man, woman, and child.
    48% goes to foreign investors.
    We will never know the cost of the vaccine, cause they are free, don’t ya know.


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