New Melania Trump Biography ‘Art Of Her Deal’ Is Surprisingly Flattering – IOTW Report

New Melania Trump Biography ‘Art Of Her Deal’ Is Surprisingly Flattering

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The Federalist: There are no major bombshells in Mary Jordan’s new biography of Melania Trump, “The Art of Her Deal.” Jordan merely reaffirms what we’ve always known about the First Lady—she’s a cool head in an unsteady world, and the ultimate poster girl for soft power.

The worst thing one of Jordan’s 100 sources had to say about Trump is that she’s “stubborn.” No arguments there. Like an alabaster Greek statue, Melania stays strong and unflappably elegant as her remarkably improbable life unfolds.

Jordan is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter with The Washington Post who has told interviewers that Melania is the most enigmatic personality she’s ever tried to crack. Since the book’s release on Monday, the media has been gunning for a portrait of a marriage in turmoil, but Jordan admits that “there’s a real connection there. When Trump finishes a rally or major event, his first call is to Melania.”

The First Lady’s office did not reply to Jordan’s requests for interviews or fact checks, and has derided the book as “fiction.” But don’t expect that to slow sales. Melania-watching and code-cracking has a cult following.

President Trump’s re-election aides would do well to learn from Mrs. Trump’s life and use her on the campaign trail. Hers is the most American of American dreams, although Melania became an American citizen through legal means in 2006. (Jordan reveals, however, that the president’s wife has also maintained her Slovenian citizenship, and obtained a dual passport for her son.) No one can speak to the evils of socialism—and the virtues of capitalism—quite like she can. more

13 Comments on New Melania Trump Biography ‘Art Of Her Deal’ Is Surprisingly Flattering

  1. Only Melania’s beauty, charm, grace, patriotism and talent could counter the hate, stench, bigotry, ugliness, treasonous orgy of vileness that Michelle Obama dumped on our great country. Thank you, Melania!

  2. Uhkay guys, help me out here, K? Now, is our First Lady Melania Trump absolutely an adorable, gorgeous, first class specimen of the awesomeliness persuasion? Or is it just a case of anything looks good after the America hating trannie, Big Mike the Silver Back Sasquatch? Help me out here.

  3. Now I’m wondering if I jumped the gun in thinking Jordan will be punished. The cynic in me says that WaPo is trying to fake-flatter Melania, so as to appear even-handed in their treatment of the Trump family, and that they’ve heard from too many Melania admirers that slagging her is counterproductive to their anti-Trump agenda.

    If Jordan does not get canceled for her heresy, it will be obvious that it was a setup. The media loves to try to drive a wedge between Trump and his backers, and they will use honey or vinegar to do it.

  4. She is worth more than a MILLION crazy women with PhDs.

    Sure she was born with looks, but she is a sharp woman, and she has her head screwed on right.

    It’s interesting to watch Baron Trump get older. I’d bet she’s a great mother.

  5. It has been said thar Eve was probably the most beautiful woman ever, because she was created by the hands of God.

    Melania is obviously a very close second.

  6. “I hope Barron gets to spend today with whoever his dad is.“—John Henson, Head of Food Network

    There’s how they really feel. I wouldn’t pay a dime for Pulitzer Jordan’s book. Its only purpose is to allow the media to say Melania’s treatment by them was “even-handed”.


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