New Mexico: Anti-Gun Group Faces Investigation Over Door-to-Door Firearms Buyback Drive – IOTW Report

New Mexico: Anti-Gun Group Faces Investigation Over Door-to-Door Firearms Buyback Drive

After an initial review, Ferrari concluded that it appeared the group had violated state gun laws and had perhaps not destroyed the weapons in accordance with federal guidance, either.

10 Comments on New Mexico: Anti-Gun Group Faces Investigation Over Door-to-Door Firearms Buyback Drive

  1. Those will be given to the common street thugs for use in the “elections”.

    The invaders, on the other hand, are fully armed with our latest military weapons that Pedo Joe left them in Afghanistan and provides through the Ukranian shell.

    I wouldn’t expect any resolution to this any time soon.

    Those weapons will be used exactly as Democrats intend.

  2. all political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party – Mao Zedong

  3. My county sheriff told us to call him if anyone, ANYONE, comes to our door asking about guns. He said to tell them you need to get the gun, then shut and lock the door and call the Sheriff’s office and stay inside, no matter what. They will come and arrest whoever they are, Feds included.

    I have their number programed as the first contact in my phone.

  4. “perhaps not destroyed the weapons in accordance with federal guidance, either.” Of course they will be calling the Feds, if the anti-gun group did not destroy the guns properly, that is a Federal violation. Hello this anti-gun group is not part the federal government. Feds don’t go house to house like this, if a government agency is is involved, buyback is done through the police &/or sheriffs dept.


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