New Mexico City Council Passes Resolution ‘In Support of the Unborn’ – IOTW Report

New Mexico City Council Passes Resolution ‘In Support of the Unborn’

EPOCH TIMES: A city council in the U.S. state of New Mexico passed a resolution on March 14 declaring their jurisdiction a supporter of the unborn.

The jurisdiction dubbed Resolution 19-28 or “A Resolution in Support of the Unborn,” was passed by the City Council of Roswell in a seven-to-one vote, with one council member abstaining. Local pro-life activist group “Abortion Free New Mexico,” said that the passage makes Roswell a “Sanctuary City for the Unborn.”

The resolution declares that “each and every innocent human life is unique and precious to God” and that “innocent human life must always be protected and preserved.” It also states that the protection of “all human life is important to the people of the City of Roswell.”

The new Roswell resolution appeared to be modeled off a resolution passed by the Lea County Board of County Commissioners last month. Both resolutions were a response to the New Mexico legislature that was considering a measure to repeal an unenforceable statute criminalizing abortion, according to The Christian Post.

The repeal did end up passing the state house but last week the New Mexico Senate stopped it in a vote of 18-24. The vote was a stunning victory for pro-life advocates, according to the Daily signal, with eight Democrats crossing over to reject the pro-choice measure along with all 16 Republicans. Their vote stopped a repeal that would have allowed people to have abortions up to the moment of birth and, in some cases, legalized infanticide.  more here

5 Comments on New Mexico City Council Passes Resolution ‘In Support of the Unborn’

  1. God is watching how we deal with the killing of our children, our support for Israel and how he is either allowed in or kicked out of our society. Since all three are being fought over by the left; if we let them win these battle grounds, God will remove his favor over the whole country.

    I am one of many who prayed during Obama to forgive us for letting evil take such a foothold in our country. During the run-up to 2016, I prayed that God blessed us and thwarted massive voter fraud plans and allow for fair elections. When President Trump was elected, I asked God to bless him and his efforts to bring decency back to our Nation.

    We need to keep praying. But as always, pray for God’s will.

  2. Wow, “JAMES”, your erudite response almost gives me a thrill up my leg. I don’t know how anyone could doubt you’re the smartest of the smart. Are you perhaps the same braniac who said “THIS WEB SUCK”?

    I sense you approve of killing babies even after they’re born and your worship of Moloch is heartening in this world of little faith. Of course, your beliefs also doom you to eternal hell, and you don’t get 72 virgins. Instead, you’ll be shackled in a pig sty and feral hogs will eat your body parts which will grow back so they can be eaten again. No paradise for you, but thanks for playing.


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