New Mexico Governor Removes Firearm Carry Ban from Emergency Order – IOTW Report

New Mexico Governor Removes Firearm Carry Ban from Emergency Order

Gateway Pundit: With the twin tides of public opinion and legal decisions running against her, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has scrapped her plan to ban legal gun owners from carrying firearms in Albuquerque and its surroundings.

However, Lujan Grisham is still trying to create gun-free zones through her executive order.

On Sept. 8, under the guise of a “public health order,” the governor issued a ban on carrying guns in the city of Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County. However, local and state officials said they would not enforce the widely denounced ban, and a court issued a temporary restraining order against its implementation.

Lujan Grisham announced her decision in a news release on Friday, but did not renounce gun restrictions altogether.

Instead, her amended order still bans legal gun owners from carrying firearms at playgrounds and parks or other places set aside for children to play. Although the statewide order notes this applies in areas of specified levels of violent crime, as a practical matter it only covers  Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. more here

21 Comments on New Mexico Governor Removes Firearm Carry Ban from Emergency Order

  1. …and there’s no consequences for her blatant attempted violation of her citizens Constitutional rights, so she and her ilk have NO reason not to try again…and again…and again until it just becomes accepted, Communists are nothing if not persistent so the only way to get them to STOP being evil is to throw a few out of helicopters and let the rest know you’re serious about it if THEY try that shit.

    Otherwise, as the hat guy said, “Communism will win”.

    Because if one side arrests, disposesses, and murders its opponents and the other side responds with sternly worded letters, its pretty easy to see which side will prevail.

  2. She’s violated the US Constitution.
    She’s a traitor.
    She should be indicted, tried, convicted, and hanged.
    Along with every other maggot who violates, or attempts to violate, the US Constitution.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Rat-faced commie was stopped by the courts, but if there were an actual emergency, she would do it again in a heartbeat, and then it might take months or years to stop her. Gutless republicans need to impeach her ass and lock her up.

  4. The demons are doing their damnedest to push gun control with “Health Emergency” as cover. As with ALL their stunts and false flags it’s the ancillary repercussions of their devilry that they capitalize on. Now that their full on attack has been repelled, this “governor” will continue to skirt around state and Federal Constitutions, still using health and emergency in the same context, to validate her edicts and her masters wishes. This Evil NEVER sleeps!

  5. Notice how some prominent democrat pols and their surrogates joined in the attack on the governor. It’s an election year coming up, and this plays into the “oh no, we don’t want to take your guns away” narrative. She was sacrificed in order to make the communist democrats look “moderate”.

  6. The fine lady is a member of the Lujan family that has been the ruling Junta in New Mexico since the late 1800s. They apparently believe they are now above the NM and US constitution.

  7. Obviously cooler heads higher up told her it’s rescind or be replaced time.
    Test case – the peons aren’t softened up enough for this yet – it’s going to take many, many more horrific false-flag events.

  8. Read New Mexico’s definition of “Quarantine” in Article 10A Public Health Emergency.

    The gun issue is resolvable quickly in courts. once you read NM Quarantine definition, check out your own state lawsfor Quarantine

  9. Isn’t one of the “lawsuits” against President Trump based on “attempting to violate” someone’s Constitutional rights?

    Why is this crunt not being impeached and/or indicted?

    Why does New Mexico tolerate traitors in high office?
    Why does New Mexico tolerate tyranny?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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