New Mexico ‘Jihadi Compound’ Suspect Is Illegal Alien Who Overstayed Visa – IOTW Report

New Mexico ‘Jihadi Compound’ Suspect Is Illegal Alien Who Overstayed Visa


One of the suspects arrested at a suspected Muslim “extremist” compound in New Mexico is a longtime illegal immigrant from Haiti who overstayed a visitor visa, immigration authorities said Wednesday.

Jany Leveille, 35, was arrested along with four other people on Aug. 4 when state and local police raided the makeshift compound in rural Amalia, New Mexico. Police officers discovered a total of two men, three women and 11 children living in squalid conditions and allegedly training for some kind of mass shooting, according to New Mexico state prosecutors.

On Tuesday morning, Leveille was transferred to the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) pursuant to an Aug. 8 immigration detention request, said ICE spokesperson Leticia Zamarripa.

“ICE issued her a notice to appear before a federal immigration judge, and she remains in ICE custody pending resolution of her immigration proceedings,” Zamarripa told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Leveille has been unlawfully present in the U.S. for more than 20 years after overstaying the validity of her non-immigrant visitor visa.”  more here

6 Comments on New Mexico ‘Jihadi Compound’ Suspect Is Illegal Alien Who Overstayed Visa

  1. Ah, yes…one of those visa overstays whom the media says Trump is ignoring in his monomaniacal pursuit of border-jumpers.Mever mind the fed judges who spit on his travel bans and restrictions. Never mind that it was HW or Clinton who let her in, and W and Barky who let her slide. Now Trump is taking out the trash. Mitt, you should be hugging The Garbageman.

  2. Yet her children are US citizens by place of birth and US citizens will have to deal with then for the next 80 years or sudden jihad death. Whichever comes first.

  3. Ah, ok, now I understand why the judge-in-name-only let them out on bond. It matters not the living conditions of 11 malnourished children, nor that they were in training to become the next school terrorists, even the decomposed body of a 3-4 yo child raises no concerns.
    Nope, there was an illegal in the bunch and rather than raise a red flag as cause for deportation, as is often the case with judges in sanctuary cities, let them off with a misdemeanor v a felonious deportee.

    There are questions floating around the web about this judge, as to whether she took the constitutional oath required of the judiciary (not that this matters a whit in this environment).


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