New Mexico: Kid trips over million year old fossil in Las Cruces – IOTW Report

New Mexico: Kid trips over million year old fossil in Las Cruces

KFI: Luck came not once, but twice for Jude Sparks.

The then-9-year-old was lucky enough to trip not on a rock, or a tree root, but on a 1.2-million-year-old fossil when trying to dash away from his brothers on a November desert hike with his family. And as New Mexico State University biology professor Peter Houde explains to the New York Times, Jude was lucky to have been at the Las Cruces, NM, site just after a storm had exposed the fossil—but before the exposure reduced the specimen to nothingness.

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9 Comments on New Mexico: Kid trips over million year old fossil in Las Cruces

  1. I don’t like to envy those to whom life comes easy or big pay-offs fall in their laps. I’ve had a good life and positive things have happened to me. Some I made for myself, some seemed to happen with no input. I’ve had very good jobs (none that paid much, but rewarding in other ways), great family and special friends, and I’ve enjoyed God’s favor.

    I pray that this kid doesn’t let this fortune go to his head. Plan well, young fella. Hope your parents are wise.

  2. “Expert” the fossil is 1.2 million years old based on other fossils that have been found nearby – and those have been “dated” by a made up geologic column.

    Good for the kid, that would be fun.

  3. What a great thing for a young kid to have happen! He’ll have this story to tell his kids and grandkids, even better if the bones are dug up and put on display in a museum permanently.

    Hope they would add his name as ‘discoverer’ too. Such a great story–thanks MJA!!!

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