New Mexico: #MeToo-Supporting Democrat Governor Accused of Sexually Abusing Former Campaign Staffer – IOTW Report

New Mexico: #MeToo-Supporting Democrat Governor Accused of Sexually Abusing Former Campaign Staffer


New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat and supporter of the #MeToo movement, is facing accusations that she sexually abused a former campaign staffer.

Lujan Grisham is facing accusations made last week by her former campaign communications director, James Hallinan, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported.

Hallinan claimed that Grisham touched his genitals after pouring water on his crotch, characterizing the incident as a “slap and grab.”

He told the New Mexican that he is still haunted by the alleged assault, which he says took place at the home of New Mexico State Rep. Deborah Armstrong.

Haillinan also described the incident in a Christmas Day tweet.

“A governor … is not above the law for her sexual and physical abuse of employees including (me!!!) I’ll talk more when I return to the country,” Hallinan tweeted last Wednesday. keep reading

20 Comments on New Mexico: #MeToo-Supporting Democrat Governor Accused of Sexually Abusing Former Campaign Staffer

  1. Oh come on. This guy coulda had an old fashioned from a halfway decent looking lady governor and he turned it down. I think there’s some credibility issues here.

  2. That’s different. Coloreds can’t be racist and women don’t commit sexual assault. To claim otherwise is reputation rape.


  3. …enjoy that gander sauce there, goose…”no one is above the law”, heh? You HAVE to believe wome…uh, well, Democrat soyboys, don’t act or talk ANYTHING like MEN (..”He told the New Mexican that he is still haunted by the alleged assault”, must have gone to the Anakin Skywalker School of Stupid Dialogue With Women) so must identify as a chick anyway, so it’s LIKE being accused by a woman, and she IS pretty butch so she was probably being a genderfluid queerguy at the time since these people don’t believe that sex is genetic, so she/ he MUST step down IMMEDIATELY for women EVERYWHERE or it’s JUST LIKE BEING RAPED ALL OVER AGAIN, nicht wahr?

    …hey, Democrat, YOUR rules, not MINE, Alinsky ain’t so pretty from the OTHER side, but you started THAT too, now EAT it RAW, buh-bye now…

  4. Oh come on. This guy coulda had an old fashioned from a halfway decent looking lady governor and he turned it down. I think there’s some credibility issues here.

  5. Niece to Manuel Lujan.
    Seems like these dynastic lines degenerate fairly quickly.
    Brought up on a silver spoon and blameless in all things.
    It’s her right to do what she pleases to the “little people” because they’re “little people” and she isn’t.

    Seriously removed from any contact with America.
    (see: Lee, Carnahan, Kennedy, Rockefeller, Romney, &c.)

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The “MTM” wasn’t about sexual harassment – it was all about dems/commies trying to force Pres. Trump to resign from office. They themselves are a bunch of degenerates.

  7. Real dudes cannot be sexually harassed. If a female comes onto you, pats you on the butt, grabs your package, makes suggestive comments, etc., just rebuff the advance and go on your way. Seriously, unless the female is Rhonda Roussey, no woman is going to force a male into what he doesn’t want.

    Retaliation is a different story – if you lose your job because of saying no to a female superior, you should seek relief. But that’s not complaining about harassment; that’s doing something about retaliation for saying “no.”

  8. I actually had this happen at my 10 year class reunion. The woman teacher who was always flirting with the boys (and had a special interest in me) was serving us at the Elks Club for our dinner. Small class of 25 who all knew her reputation. She’s dishing out ice cream and when she gets to me she “accidentally” drops it in my lap and then reaches down and gives my junk a big squeeze while retrieving the ice cream. My wife was some kinda pissed!

    If I’d have known this was coming I’d have unzipped my fly and pulled my buddy out before desert. Imagine the look on her face when she reached down!!! To this day my friends and I still laugh like hell about it.


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