New Ocasio-Cortez Bill Proposes Welfare for Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

New Ocasio-Cortez Bill Proposes Welfare for Illegal Immigrants

– And That’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Bongino: AOC’s Green New Deal seems a lot more Red than Green, and that’s by design. Her former Chief of Staff Saikat Chakrabarti admitted that it’s doing nothing more than using climate as a Trojan Horse to usher in a whole host of unrelated social programs part of their socialist vision.

In her latest attempt at legislation, AOC decided to carve out and spin-off the Green New Deal’s socialism into a brand new bill;  “A Just Society.”

12 Comments on New Ocasio-Cortez Bill Proposes Welfare for Illegal Immigrants

  1. These Communists just can’t wait to rob this nation blind and destroy it from within!
    “Socialism” is just the come-on sugar for one of the planet’s biggest Bait & Switch scams!
    When the bounty from the productivity of free enterprise is picked clean and stripped bare, all that’s left is the stark, naked, raw brutality of Communism! Just look at anywhere it’s been tried and just look at the level of absolute Suck it’s been reduced to. When people give up their Freedom and free enterprise in favor of dependency, they will always be saddled with a dictator to control people who are obviously unable to take care of themselves!

  2. The anniversary of Che Guevera’s death was just a couple of days ago. She has a striking resemblance…..Makes me look at tree branches with alternate uses….

  3. Sure go for it.
    Why not mandate that anybody who owns a car that is not used for necessary transportation, be required to “sell” the car to the Federal Redistribution Center to be given to a deserving Immigrant.
    This applies to all Minibikes, Motorcycles, vintage and collectible cars, farm equipment, off road vehicles, airplanes and velocipedes.

  4. In a “Just Society”, Obama, Hillary, Biden, Nadler, “The Squad”, Pelosi, Schitt, Brennan, Clapper and a couple hundred more would have been put agains’t the wall and shot without the customary cigarette.


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