New Oregon business sales tax claims first victim – IOTW Report

New Oregon business sales tax claims first victim

Oregon Catalyst: Gov. Kate Brown’s new $1.3 billion business sales tax (Corporate Activities Tax) has destroyed its first known business. Phil Darrah writes in the Portland Tribune how his small town pharmacy in Banks could not bear the weight of the tax bill and laid off six employees!

A pharmacy, which is so critical to people’s health care needs right now has been destroyed due to the CAT tax.   The owner, Phil Darrah, once hailed as the town hero for saving the life of one of his customers in his store, is now a tax victim who saw his American dream destroyed. read more

13 Comments on New Oregon business sales tax claims first victim

  1. Well, if he did not insist on eating he could have used that money to pay the tax and keep his employees. It’s his fault for being so selfish.

  2. I have a theory, it wasn’t a asteroid that got the dinosaurs, it was those damn crooked dinosaur politicians they elected that taxed them into extinction; and, the same thing is going to happen to the human race.
    My geology teacher in college always enjoyed my theories, but I had to be able to recite his theories on the test questions.

  3. The poisonous fruit of the poisonous tree that has grown from this poisonous root: The civil service act and the rise of the professional bureaucracy accompanied with the rise of the professional political class. That is root and tree.

    We must extirpate both if we are to avoid progressing into the socialist utopia of next Tuesday. For examples of that utopia see Cuba, North Korea, or, most recently, Venezuela. China is instructive if you look past the fascist elite to how the common folks live.

  4. Gov. Kate Brown’s new $1.3 billion business sales tax is working as intended.
    Steal money from the wealth creators and pay their former employees not to work.

  5. I have nothing personal against queers, homosexuals, faggots, gays, perverts, degenerates or the like.

    BUT…gov. kate brown is a carpet munching, liberal, dictating, commie control freak…..Just like all the rest of those Nazi, Marxist, Stalinist, better-than-thou, fucking assholes that should be shot on site.

  6. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ: Thanks, I’d like to take credit, but I didn’t make it up. I usually attribute quotations, but couldn’t remember where I picked it up.

    Edit: I just did a search, and there are a bunch of memes.

  7. @Tony R May 1, 2020 at 7:19 pm

    > You can vote-in socialism, but you will have to shoot your way out.

    True. Sadly, so true. Because the people who oppose The Right Side Of History™ at the ballot box, will never shoot anything but the breeze.

  8. @Walter Johnson May 1, 2020 at 7:42 pm

    > The poisonous fruit of the poisonous tree that has grown from this poisonous root: The civil service act

    The One Writ to rule them all, and to the darkness, bind them, was cheered generations before “the” (any) Civil Service Act.

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