New Orleans Mayor Issues Coronavirus Order Allowing Ban on Sale, Transportation of Firearms – IOTW Report

New Orleans Mayor Issues Coronavirus Order Allowing Ban on Sale, Transportation of Firearms

The declaration declaring the mayor’s power to restrict gun sales and transportation says she is “empowered, if necessary, to suspend or limit the sale of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives, and combustibles.”

On March 16, 2020, the Second Amendment Foundation responded to Cantrell’s claims of emergency powers over firearms by reminding her that they sued over Second Amendment infringement following Hurricane Katrina and will do so during the era of coronavirus if needed.


29 Comments on New Orleans Mayor Issues Coronavirus Order Allowing Ban on Sale, Transportation of Firearms

  1. So where exactly does she get that empowerment from? I was under the impression that the United States Constitution trumps State and Local law.

    And how exactly does the suspension or limit of “the sale of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives, and combustibles.” help in this situation? If big city mayors had this kind of power then they could clean up their third World crap-hole dumps in no time. Yeah, right.

  2. Fear, yours or that of the masses, costs you many things and gains you nothing.

    Those people that want to control you know this and use it for their purposes.

  3. In Portland, ME the City Manager has declared a mini martial law. Curfews on all businesses. They are to be closed from 8pm until 6am or pay $500 fines.
    These liberal bureaucrats are grabbing power by the horns and trying out their banana republic tendencies.
    I would tell all of these Constitution haters to pound sand.
    Benjamin Franklin is rolling in his grave at all the sheeple willing to give up liberty in exchange for security.

  4. During Katrina, it was shameful and despicable what the city PD, parish PD, state police and La Natl Guard were doing to illegally disarm law abiding citizens who were simply defending their homes.

    During Hurricane Maria two years ago, the Democrat governor of the US Virgin Islands tried this ban/ confiscate shit too and Trump’s Admin slapped him down within the day.

    Mayor CANTrell Can’t Tell the difference between her illegal power grab and socialist fascism because There Is No Difference. If she wants to be a tyrant so bad she should move to Venezuela.

    I live only 25 miles north of NOLA.
    “I can illegally grab power to control liquor, firearms, explosives and combustibles”
    *Liquor: gah-rawn-TEE she will invite riots if she bans booze sales.
    *Combustibles: She wants to control gasoline because then she controls people’s ability to move around in their cars and/or power their homes with gensets.
    Explosives: ammo. The means to utilize your legally owned guns

  5. Aside from all the other over-reaction stories going on out there, we have this:
    Maricopa County: the Maricopa County, Ariz. Election Day Director, walks away from podium saying “I can’t do this”

    Cuyahoga County: They want to turn the inmates in the jail loose to “protect the community”
    “If (the virus) it hits us and the jail, it will cripple our criminal justice system.”
    “If this virus hits, we’d have to release people on an emergency basis”
    Uhhhh, WHUT???

    Something really outta whack is going on in this country!
    Two + two adds up to three.
    What are we not being told??

  6. (Dammit. I was editing and time ran out) Civics Lesson 101 continued

    Firearms: if you don’t own a gun to defend yourself or your home, CANTrell’s illegal fascist power grab would prevent you from making the decision to change your defenseless.


  7. …meanwhile, the Never Trumper governor of OH continues to get his Nazi on by interfering with elections. Afraid that his friend and his REAL party’s choice, Biden, will suffer a defeat if oldersters don’t show up, he went to Court THE DAY BEFORE THE ELECTION to stop it.

    The Court said, NO.

    …he therefore directed his Health Director, the one that couldn’t figure out if there was a difference between 1,000 and 100,000 cases and ALSO hates President Trump, use HER made-up “authority” to cancel elections DURING THE NIGHT. Poll workers weren’t even told, so it’s all just a giant ball of Demipanic now, thanks to this RINO ass in Columbus.

    But it’s “for your safety”…

    …oh, and they also cancelled my knee surgery thanks to this bastard trying to help his beloved Democrats take the President down. Just more collateral damage from people who will deestroy a Nation from hatred of ONE man, or more accurately, the threat that ONE man poses to “their power”.

    …seems like the Pharisee had a similar situation once, where ONE man was seen as a threat to “their” power.

    How’d THAT work out…–8tgCLcBGAs/s1600/Resurrection-Happy-Easter-1.jpg

  8. …I know a guy who makes his living playing bars, mostly on tips. No bars=no living.

    Bet he’s feeling ever so safe now…

    ..I know a lot of tipped employees of restaurants who aren’t getting tips now, and it’s hard for short-timers to establish what they would make in tips for unemployment, and restsurant workers move around a lot, so short-timers are common.

    ….but they sure FEELZ safe, don’t they?

    …my surgery wasn’t the ONLY one cancelled. They cancelled EVERY “elective” surgery, which means if you aren’t actively dying, no soup for YOU.

    …but somehow, explaining how much SAFER we are, doesn’t make my knee shut up AT ALL as I run around a campus of factory buildings on it as the sole current breadwinner in my family…

    But, it is SAFE, nicht wahr?

    …actually, I’m blessed. God kept me in this job when I wanted to go elsewhere. Where I am is an “essential industry”; where I wanted to go, and was part-timing, was NOT. But THOSE folks, just like everywhere ELSE people are having their Right of Assembly violated, are out of a job and dependant on an overwhelmed State unemployment system.

    ..but, aren’t they SAFE…

    Many US Mayors, in order to protect the Criminal Element from possible harm during their business activities, are banning the citizens from carrying, transporting and using Legally owned Self Defense Weapons.

    The bans will now allow non-working criminals an equal opportunity and a safer workplace environment (parking lots)
    to obtain their groceries and medications from those that were foolish enough to have worked and earned the $$$$ to purchase them.

    Important Update:
    It seems many Citizens in many cities are still “claiming” not to have heard of the Self Defense ban notices.

  10. “the Second Amendment Foundation responded to Cantrell’s claims of emergency powers over firearms by reminding her that they sued over Second Amendment infringement following Hurricane Katrina and will do so during the era of coronavirus if needed.”

    Don’t warn them, just do it. Get a Judge and get an injunction. That’s what should be happening with every one of these liberal/prog Mayors who are trying to cancel the constitution.

  11. All the hundreds of thousands of words posted here over the last ten years about gun rights, fighting back, freedom, civil war, etc have gained you all exactly what?

  12. @Anonymous March 17, 2020 at 11:47 am

    > have gained you all exactly what?

    Well… Muh Consitusion has calluses, and my mind’s eye’s myopic. So… good nap times, good nap times.


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