New Orleans mayor may keep Confederate statues – IOTW Report

New Orleans mayor may keep Confederate statues

DC: A committee appointed by New Orleans’ new mayor, Democrat LaToya Cantrell, suggested keeping two out of three Confederate statues the mayor’s predecessor, Mitch Landrieu, tore down in 2017.

The seven-member committee consisted of individuals who all opposed Landrieu’s decision to tear down the monuments of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Gens. Robert E. Lee and P.G.T. Beauregard, reported The Advocate.

“Placing Beauregard and Lee in Greenwood Cemetery will carry a new message to residents and visitors to the city of New Orleans,” the group said in its recommendation to Cantrell, with one member providing a $25,000 estimate for the transfer. “New Orleans will be viewed as a city that can deal with difficult social issues while finding suitable resolutions. New Orleans, and its leadership, will be viewed nationally as a place where art and history are valued.”  read more

7 Comments on New Orleans mayor may keep Confederate statues

  1. I live in a small, patriot-filled, western frontier community. I’ve often wondered what kind of money we’d have to raise to bring every single one of those statues right here.

  2. @ BEG

    Believe me I understand what you are saying, I wish I could put these pieces in my back yard!

    You don’t need money per se. You need will.

    You need a local artist with a foundry.

    Decide amongst yourselves, family, your neighbors or parish members, a subject or person to memorialize.

    Figure out how big, the piece is and how much it will cost.

    These days for me maybe a Breitbart or M Rogers type? Pick a WHITE (FUR) HAT and you will be fine.

    Think Lone Ranger.

    Find an artist that can bring this image ‘to life’.

    Get a decent budget together.

    Figure out where you can all agree to display your memorial.

    YOU can do it.

    It’s been done before, even if the leftists pull it down during the day or the spineless pussillanimous politicians we have are doing it during the night.

    BTW I got the P word from Bob Grant. May he R.I.P.

    #KAGA 2020

  3. so, they relocate them to a cemetery … will they bury them there?

    btw, these statues were removed without taxpayer input, at taxpayer expense … make those that made the decision pay … (not holding my breath) but all these type of decisions should be asked to those that pay … that’ll shut up those slug-spined political whores in a heartbeat!

    … & Robert E. Lee was perhaps the most honorable man this country ever produced

  4. Anybody wanna bet the Crescent City’s tourism has taken a big hit since Moon (Christ, what a thing to name a kid) came up with this?

    & Robert E. Lee was perhaps the most honorable man this country ever produced

    More like the continent and the finest man, but, yeah.

  5. Removing statues is like cutting out a piece of history and hiding it. Good or bad, let people remember the Confederacy.

    The issue of States Rights did not go away at the end of the Civil War. In fact, it will be used by the socialist state of California in an attempt to preserve its Sanctuary City practice.

    Recently, Pres. Trump got the federal government out of K-12 education, which should, of course, be a state concern only.

    The antifa punks and leftists in general are too eager to draw analogies between the Confederacy and Nazism.

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