New Orleans Now Shipping Off Violent Inmates After Failing To Reduce Violence – IOTW Report

New Orleans Now Shipping Off Violent Inmates After Failing To Reduce Violence

TheHayride: To say that New Orleans’ prison is violent would be an understatement.


Due to the overwhelming violence at the the city’s prison, Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman has decided to ship about 600 inmates to a facility outside of the area, according to an Associated Press report.

The move comes after the US Department of Justice (DOJ) asked a federal judge to remove Gusman‘s authority over the jail, citing that he had not adequately reduced conditions and violence between inmates at the prison. The Justice Dept has actually asked that a third party be in charge of the jail.

So which Louisiana parish is getting the 600 inmates?

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11 Comments on New Orleans Now Shipping Off Violent Inmates After Failing To Reduce Violence

  1. Solitary confinement for all.
    Shower in the cell
    Eat in the cell
    Stay in the cell 24/7 until your time is up
    No good behavior
    No visitors until Sundays
    Only mail and all the books you can read
    No shop
    No Rehabilitation
    The only person you see is a guard
    And he doesn’t like you

  2. Wow, Lazlo. Guaranteed to make them absolutely batshit stir crazy. Not saying that’s necessarily bad, just that’s what happens with absolute isolation.

  3. Mr Woodman, you are correct.
    Make them walk on a treadmill ten hours a day to power the facility so they get hot meals.
    They ain’t in there for missing Sunday School

  4. How bout a 3 x 3 solid cinderblock cell with a steel grate on top and a floor drain at the bottom?
    One inmate per.
    Bread thrown in once a day.
    Hosed out once a week.
    Monotony broken by beatings.

    I mean, c’mon … let’s go totally Asian!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. i don’t know-I believe in capitol punishment live on television for all to see. stop spending tax money to house and cloth these people. let the punishment fit the crime- but hey, that’s just me. an eye for an eye.

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