New Orleans Saints starting linebacker won’t be fined for wearing religious headband on the field – IOTW Report

New Orleans Saints starting linebacker won’t be fined for wearing religious headband on the field


October 9, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — New Orleans Saints starting linebacker Demario Davis will not be fined after all for wearing a headband sporting the words “Man of God” and announced Tuesday that the controversy has helped raise money for charity.

Last week, Davis announced on Instagram that he had been fined approximately $7,000 for wearing one of the headbands (which are being sold to support the expansion of the emergency department of St. Dominic’s Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi) during the Saints’ game against the Seattle Seahawks as a violation of the National Football League (NFL)’s blanket prohibition against wearing “personal messages” with their uniforms. more here

16 Comments on New Orleans Saints starting linebacker won’t be fined for wearing religious headband on the field

  1. “a violation of the National Football League (NFL)’s blanket prohibition against wearing “personal messages” with their uniforms. ” Does that include tattoos on their arms?

  2. Guys like him are why I do watch the NFL. There are a lot of great men who play.
    Remember Pat Tillman of the Cardinals. He gave up the game & the money to become a GREEN BERET!

    The Head office doesn’t get that these type of men are who we want to watch and skip the SJW crap.

    Soy boys are not the target audience and the admin doe not get it.


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