New Photos Of Trump’s Hardening Border Enforcement – IOTW Report

New Photos Of Trump’s Hardening Border Enforcement

DC: New photos of Trump’s border hardening with Mexico have been released.

President Donald Trump, who made the migrant caravan a critical part of his 2018 midterms message for the GOP, has hardened the southern border with armed soldiers and razor wire in anticipation for the thousands-strong migrant caravan arrival from Central America.

The approximately six-thousand-person caravan has begun to encamp in Tijuana, Mexico, waiting to enter the United States, legally or illegally. The caravan reached the American border speedily with the assistance of charter buses and are now camped in Tijuana with no place to go as they apply for asylum at the American ports of entry.


Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Kirstjen M. Nielsen toured the border area Wednesday morning. The Borderfield State Park along the United States-Mexico Border fence in San Ysidro, California has been wrapped in razor wire to prevent climbing and entering illegally.

Border Patrol agents ride horses along the park and armed soldiers patrol other areas of the porous southern border.

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15 Comments on New Photos Of Trump’s Hardening Border Enforcement

  1. All that razor wire along that area – somehow I feel a bit more safe just looking at it – knowing that my President has my back.
    My President cares about me!
    That in and of itself is a very comforting feeling.

  2. Where are all the women and children in those pics of the asylum seekers? All I see are young, healthy, strong men. Why aren’t they back in their own countries putting up a Resist-ance to their own bad leaders?

  3. Make Mexico A Penitentiary

    The Mexican government hasn’t done a damn thing to control or curb these criminals. If fact, I suspect just the opposite has happened where they have encouraged and transported them. So put up the razor wire and turn that whole Third World Shithole into the prison that it really is and let the good citizens demand better of their own government!

    Now… where’s my MMAP hat.

  4. I think we need a second razor stall wall, making a kill zone. Shoot to kill, burying them will be cheaper than patching them up. Cut the first wave in half and see just how hard they are after that. Wait 36 hrs and see who’s left who has not bleed out. The invasion will disappear into the Mexican dust bin – game over. Enough with the nice guy BS.

  5. Shooting them is a PR nightmare and the lefts dream, non lethal is the answer. Until they get deadly you can’t use limited deadly force.
    We have lots of shiny new stuff to try out in that area.

  6. All you need to send Viet Nam vets into PTSD would be some tin cans full of rocks, hanging like Christmas tree ornaments.
    Put out some claymores too.
    Check them morning and night, in case the CAs have been naughty, not nice.

  7. My Dad loved to feed the birds. This wall-building reminds me of his endless battles with the local squirrels.

    Each barrier he came up with, the squirrels overcame. He’d put out a different barrier and then watch squirrels overcome that.

    It was an ongoing subject of entertainment to watch the two facing off.

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