New Political Ad Obliterates Hypocritical Clinton’s Healthcare Attack on Sanders – IOTW Report

New Political Ad Obliterates Hypocritical Clinton’s Healthcare Attack on Sanders

A new political ad contrasting Hillary Clinton’s statements from 2008 and her daughter’s statements from this year about Bernie Sanders is shining a spotlight on Ms. Clinton’s blatant hypocrisy on healthcare.

In 2008, Mrs. Clinton attacked then-Senator Barack Obama for criticizing her for her stances on healthcare. According to Mrs. Clinton, people who criticize Democrats over healthcare are using a page out of Republicans’ playbook:

Obama’s actions were “reminiscent of the same sort of Republican attacks on Democrats,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal healthcare?” she demanded to know.

Yet, today, Mrs. Clinton is attacking Senator Bernie Sanders over healthcare, even going so far as to have her daughter Chelsea go on the offensive. A new ad, released today, splices together Mrs. Clinton’s statements from 2008 and her daughter’s statements from this week.

The ad begins with Hillary Clinton angrily denouncing Barack Obama for disagreeing with Mrs. Clinton over healthcare. It then cuts to Chelsea Clinton criticizing Mr. Sanders. It then shows Mrs. Clinton demand to know, “Since when do Democrats attack one another on universal healthcare?” and then shows Chelsea attacking Mr. Sanders over universal healthcare.

You can see the ad below:

In the aftermath of Chelsea Clinton’s attacks on Mr. Sanders, Mrs. Clinton has defended them, despite the fact that they have been deemed inaccurate.

Mr. Sanders responded to the attacks by posting this on Twitter:

2 Comments on New Political Ad Obliterates Hypocritical Clinton’s Healthcare Attack on Sanders

  1. But its the Republican Party that’s in disarray ?

    The Democrats completely and utterly suck camel taint. They have stupid and stupider and they’re interchangeable each day.

    As much as they hate us, centrist democrats probably secretly envy the diversity (yeah I said it) and broad spectra of thought in the R party. It’s the only place where there is a shred of sanity left. The R voter still holds to facts and Constitutional thought. Stray from them, as Yeb learned, and you’re done. The D’s ? Who the shit knows what the next outrage will be. They’ve gone around the bend and wrecked into the woods.

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