New poll – IOTW Report

New poll

Do you agree the USA should stop new Muslims from coming to our country until immigrants are vetted better?
Take the poll here

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17 Comments on New poll

  1. It’s a conundrum. I think the answer is in the Art of the Deal. Suppose Trump suggested ending all immigration immediately. He’d be called xenophobic and racist against Mexicans. So. he takes advantage of the Cali shootings and attempts to ban muslims because they are so widely hated in the USA. Next comes the backlash. Natural response? Well, we can’t single out just one group, so lets just pause all immigration!

    Like it or not, that’s how things get done! Never let a crisis go to waste!

    Cruz 2016.

  2. The stock in all forms of media is lower than whale dung. People know what they know and refuse to be deceived or told what to think by stupid people who do not speak for them.

  3. Current law already states that anyone “who is or has been a member of or affiliated with the Communist or any other totalitarian party, domestic or foreign, is inadmissible” and may not obtain US citizenship. Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) §212(a)(3)(D)(i).

    Is Islam not a totalitarian party according to ISIS? So, my answer is yes.

  4. “until immigrants are vetted better”

    They aren’t vetted at all. And “until” nothing. No moslems. Period.
    We know their end goal, and it does not include any non-muslims.

    Stay in your desolate shithole countries and hump your own goats and each other. We don’t need you here. You serve no legitimate purpose to mankind.

  5. Heck yeah. It’s American to protect your own country and her people, It’s un American to let the enemy inside your borders.
    Who lets a bunch of dogs into the back yard to play with the kids, when you know for certain at least a few of them are rabid ?
    And the ones that are not rabid will still want to change the culture.
    Incompatible all the way round, and some are more incompatible than others sooner, and in a worse way.

  6. here is another poll…

    “Do you want Syrians in North Texas?”

    it is at the mighty WBAP 50K watt blow torch that covers the southern US

    Go ahead and take a look, vote for yourselves. As of this morning the obama lovers are having a very strong showing and I think some ballot box stuffing is underway as this poll shows that fully 3% want more of obama’s fellow terrorist to invade their State. Truly tragic that we have so many clueless people in Texas. Since WBAP covers Austin which is horribly infected and infested with the Liberal college losers and their hero’s Big Gov politicians, my guess is that a majority of that 3% is from there.

    MSG Grumpy

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