Poll ranks Obama as the worst president since World War II – IOTW Report

Poll ranks Obama as the worst president since World War II

American Thinker: No wonder there is such a rush to build that ugly monument to Barack Obama in Chicago: the bloom is already off his rose.  I suppose it was inevitable that the tidal wave of media flattery would recede from memory and allow the hollowness of his two terms in office to be perceived by those who don’t think critically about what they see in the media.  But now that President Trump is demonstrating the bankruptcy of the Obama administration economic and foreign policies with solid results that vividly contrast Obama’s failures, a new poll has identified him as the worst president since World War II.   see it here

20 Comments on Poll ranks Obama as the worst president since World War II

  1. How about since AT least W Wilson??
    An original Marxist educated in Europe.

    “History is nothing but the actions of men in pursuit of their ends”-Karl Marx.


  2. As much as I dislike Woodrow Wilson, he didn’t sow the seeds of national dischord to the point where discivil violence is most certain to spiral into an internal war.

    Obama built that and he is cowardly silent about his army’s actions. He said he was building that army. He built this environment. He’s sitting back and enjoying the mayhem he has hatched.

  3. Hey, ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ… It’s only in the movies about Heaven that a dead person walks out of his wheelchair. Here in Hades things are different, but thanks for image nevertheless. 🙂

  4. @PHenry:

    As much as I dislike Woodrow Wilson, he didn’t sow the seeds of national dischord to the point where discivil violence is most certain to spiral into an internal war.

    The one who did take national dischord and discivil violence through that spiral all the way to actual internal war was Abe Lincoln. That and his many unconstitutional acts, including wholesale surveillance and imprisoning elected members of Congress, make Abe the worst president of all of them.

  5. @ Uncle Al – yes correct on Abe L but who else had to fight a Civil War, keep a Union together and loose a life while doing it?

    Where does The Constitution split with Civil War?


  6. @ghost of col j glover – That war didn’t have to be fought. It was fundamentally a war over state secession and the right to self-determination and -govt. Lincoln certainly didn’t do it single-handedly, but he was one of the instigators of the War Against Self-Determination.

    Aside: A civil war pits two or more parties vying for control over a single political state. The American war of 1861-1865 was not such a conflict. The Confederacy didn’t want to rule over the rest of the Union, they just wanted to rule over themselves.

  7. @ Uncle Al – North vs South and old heart felt battles aside, per your definition of a Civy, are we there now?

    Again, what are the States to do??

    Splinter? Fracture?



  8. @ghost of col j glover:

    North vs South and old heart felt battles aside, per your definition of a Civy, are we there now?

    Yes, I’m afraid so. There’s insufficient sentiment for secession so it appears that the left-collectivists and the individualists are competing for control over an undivided U.S. I would very much like to be wrong about that.

    Again, what are the States to do?? Splinter? Fracture?

    As a practical matter, the territorial boundaries of States are of much lower significance than the boundaries between cities and the rest of the U.S. The sentiment in favor of State secession is quite low, and the concept of rural and small town secession, leaving cities to fend for and govern themselves isn’t even a topic of discussion. Alas.


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