New Poll Reveals 1 in 5 Voters Admit to Mail-In Voter Fraud in 2020 Election – IOTW Report

New Poll Reveals 1 in 5 Voters Admit to Mail-In Voter Fraud in 2020 Election

GP: In 2005, former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker famously co-chaired the Commission on Federal Election Reform.  In the midst of calls for “universal mail-in balloting” prior to the 2020 Presidential Election, it was “fraught with fraud and coercion,” as then-Attorney General Bill Barr told Wolf Blitzer on CNN’s The Situation Room back in September 2020.

AG Barr stated:

“We haven’t had the kind of wide-spread use of mail-in ballots that’s being proposed.  We had absentee ballots from people who request them from a specific address.  Now what we’re talking about is mailing them to everyone on the voter list, when everyone knows those voter lists are inaccurate.  People who should get them don’t get them, which is what has been one of the major complaints in states that have tried this…and people who get them are not the right people.  They’re people who have replaced the previous occupant and they can make them out.  And sometimes multiple ballots come to the same address with generations of occupants.  You think that’s a way to vote?”

AG Barr, as well as President Trump, warned about the potential for widespread fraud in universal mail-in ballots, sent without solicitation from voters to every address in a jurisdiction.  MORE

12 Comments on New Poll Reveals 1 in 5 Voters Admit to Mail-In Voter Fraud in 2020 Election

  1. “Post
    See new posts
    Rasmussen Reports
    Lab ‘Leak.’

    How did they know?

    Millions of dollars were required to pre-order machines for a process – the mass mailing of unsolicited election ballots to every registered voter – that was then ILLEGAL in America.

    Somebody knew early about the 2020 election changes. Who?”

    Somebodies need to die a slow death.

  2. It does not matter to a leftist. The right thing was done to save democracy from dictator orange hitler who was literally going to mandate white power marches in every town during his second term, after he killed off all the alphabet people, and raided the treasury to steal every inch of land and renamed USA to Trumpland.

    So you see, a shitty existence under Biden, given the 120% probability of demise under orange hitler, is living high on the hog by comparison. Enjoy America, because it’s coming again for 2024! The only difference is 2024 will be 80% more secure and honest with 150 million Biden votes, the 20% holdouts will be the insignificant remaining fraudulent ballots; those will finally be investigated with the full force and might of the J6 council.

  3. Mail-in ballots: the true “threat to Democracy.”

    The only use for “Democracy” is the election process itself. So, our Democracy is not only threatened, IT’S GONE!

    = criminal government

  4. I got 2 ballots mailed to different addresses here in GA in 2020 The SoS sent them out supposedly due to Covid). I had already registered for an absentee ballot which is the only one I voted (I destroyed the other 2 ballots, but many people used them to steal the election as was admitted in this poll). But our own govt. at the state level willfully enabled voter fraud by sending the mail in ballots to every address.

    Most of us in GA know that Raffensperger (SoS) and Kemp (Governor) are either blackmailed, bought off by China, or corrupted in some other way. They need to know and understand that the people of GA are sick to death of this shit and they stand to be judged by the most medieval means available to us. We CANNOT accept another election stolen bu the scum that infests our state govt.

    Raffensperger is pushing a close to $5 million expenditure of taxpayer money to install QR code readers in every precinct in GA so voters can supposedly verify that the vote counted is the vote they cast. It is just another way for the criminals in the GA state govt. to steal elections because the machines are still able to be used to inject illegal / invalid votes into the system even if a few voters are able to verify their QR codes (a voluntary measure that Raffensperger knows will not be used by the vast majority of voters, and even if most voters used it, how would they know the actual count of total votes?).

    I don’t think they understand how close to the precipice they stand where there is no choice but to do away with all of them, regardless of whatever backlash results. These people are flagrantly stealing our constitutional right of electing our representatives and I can only hope that they will reap the whirlwind for the wind they have sown.

  5. I hate voting by mail in Washington state, the last election that I voted in person was in 2004 when Dino Rossi was hosed by Christine Gregoire and the democraps with a bunch of illegal ballots found in the trunk of a car in the Seattle area. I don’t trust the bastards and I put my ballot directly into the box directly in front of the local election’s office and even then, I still don’t trust them entirely. Mail in voting should be illegal in all 50 states except for military ballots from overseas and even then, the democraps will cheat knowing that it comes from a military voter.


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