New Reports of U.S. Boots on the Ground in Ukraine Doing ‘Operational Prep of the Battlefield’ – IOTW Report

New Reports of U.S. Boots on the Ground in Ukraine Doing ‘Operational Prep of the Battlefield’

Becker News:

There are new reports about U.S. special forces operators who are doing “operational prep of the battlefield” in Ukraine.

Seth Harp, an investigative reporter and contributing editor to Rolling Stone, revealed the JSOC operations on Sunday.

“US special operators are currently on the ground in Ukraine doing ‘operational prep of the battlefield,’ according to a well informed source,” Harp reported citing a ‘well informed’ source. “The military unit is JSOC’s Advance Force Operations, including members of Delta Force and SEAL Team 6.”

The developments are concerning to Americans who want to avoid entanglement in a foreign war, but Harp cautioned readers not to necessarily presume this is an “escalation.” more. h/t Brad.

17 Comments on New Reports of U.S. Boots on the Ground in Ukraine Doing ‘Operational Prep of the Battlefield’

  1. If true remember it will be another war brought to us by the Rino-Democratic wing of the DC Swamp geared to kill Americans and increase defense contractor/supplier
    Revenue. Damn them to hades.

  2. What could possibly go wrong? Didn’t we get into trouble by sending military advisors and special operations troops into Vietnam in the first place before the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 manipulated by LBJ escalated that damned war. And what will this lawless administration do to escalate us into a shooting war with the Russians over Ukraine? And if you think the draft was unpopular in the 60’s and early 70’s with my generation we ain’t seen nothing yet when the young emasculated politically correct weenies find themselves being called up to fight another damned war.

  3. Thirdtwin March 20, 2022 at 6:41 pm

    And “prep of the battlefield” sounds gay.

    I’m wondering how the tranny thing is going to work out on the “battlefield”? Someone is going to get their ass kicked and me thinks it’s going to be the tranny. I wanna see how it plays out….

  4. “Prep of the battlefield” means what, exactly?
    Filling/replacing divots? Raking the sand traps?


    Yeah, I’m shouting.

  5. Grooming a population for war. We’re only going to put the tip in, no more than that. I’d have more respect if they just threw us down and did the deed. Of course this isn’t just our vile, corrupt, depraved government and media. This goes well over their heads. But our depraved, vile, corrupt government and media are all in at all levels.

  6. Amen Uncle Al. No more cannon fodder and the killing of far too many young men like in World War 1 and every damned war since then with the possible exception of World War 2 which we fought for our survival as a free world. No More Korea, Vietnam type of wars where we lost the will to win which our govt. (thank for nothing LBJ and the democraps) and its media sychophants lost for us.

  7. It honestly would not surprise me if a few very special teams (SAS, USSF, SEALS) are actually there helping the Ukrainian side.
    IF, the Ukrainian side is doing as well as reported by MSM I would expect that it is with extremely skilled help, not 16 to 60 year old Ukrainians.
    I honestly have no idea what to believe EXCEPT that if it is MSM, it is Bullshit & Brainwashing.

  8. The MSM says that millions of Ukes are refugees and heading for Poland and at the same time the Ukes are putting up such strong defense that they are actually winning and will soon throw out the “weak” Russian military who have already lost 6 generals and their equipment is so bad that a kid with a slingshot could disable them. More, they say the main Russian force is made up of unwilling conscripts and is “bogged” down because Russians are lousy soldiers. For a variety of reasons, every army has gotten bogged down at some point. Trust not in the media who daily are influencing people to hate Russians and kick them out of sports events and other types of entertainment.

    Meanwhile, I think of Stalingrad, late January 1943. I’m no fan of communism and rarely even think about Russia, but the Red Army got up off the floor and whipped the Wehrmacht like no army had ever been whipped before.


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