New revelations of FBI efforts to infiltrate Catholic Church provoke storm of protest – IOTW Report

New revelations of FBI efforts to infiltrate Catholic Church provoke storm of protest


Revelations this week of FBI efforts to develop intelligence sources inside the Catholic Church elicited howls of protest — from Capitol Hill, the Church and an FBI whistleblower.

Amid the latest revelations of political bias and retaliation by the FBI, Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs is calling for the increasingly polarizing law enforcement agency to be purged of politicized personnel and possibly defunded. 

“I think if I could still be shocked — after having been in Congress for a while — this was one of the most shocking things that I’ve seen,” Biggs told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Wednesday. “When you start finding out that they were trying to actually move into infiltrate, etc., you go, ‘What is their purpose?’ Do they think that if you’re an orthodox, believing and practicing Catholic, somehow that’s anti-American?” 

Declaring that “the FBI has lost its way,” Biggs said, “[I]f we’re not going to totally defund it and eliminate it — and then keep only those areas that truly support state and local law enforcement — then you’ve got to do a wholesale cleaning out of the FBI. MORE

11 Comments on New revelations of FBI efforts to infiltrate Catholic Church provoke storm of protest

  1. why would anyone think the fib’s going to do anything pro-american at this point
    they’ve proven beyond a reasonable doubt they’re breaking numerous laws to cover up for unthinkable corruption on a massive scale

  2. I was wondering why our new usher was asking everyone to stare at his tie pin for a moment as well as speak clearly and slowly into his cuff links.

  3. “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.”
    Act 5:29

    And it doesn’t matter if that man calls himself Pope or President.

    You still ought to obey God rather than a man.

  4. They have taken upon themselves the task of facilitating the imposition of radically different cultural and social norms, norms that most Americans found abhorrent only a few years ago. most still do but will not admit to it for fear of reprisal from both society and government.


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