New Sanctions on Iran: What You Need to Know – IOTW Report

New Sanctions on Iran: What You Need to Know


On May 8th of this year, President Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), or the Iran Nuclear Deal. The President took this action as the flawed agreement only postponed—it did not stop—Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon. It also did not address two other serious threats to the region and to the peace of the world: 1) Iran’s continued development and testing of ballistic missiles in violation of United Nations resolutions; and, 2) Iran’s continued sponsoring of numerous terrorists and terror organizations literally around the world. They remain the world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism. Their leaders still call for the destruction of Israel and the United States.

Following that initial withdrawal, limited sanctions took effect.  These focused mainly on steel, aluminum, gold, and other precious metals.

As of midnight, on November 5, 2018, new stronger sanctions began.  These sanctions target 50 Iranian banks, hundreds of individuals or vessels involved in Iran’s shipping industry, the nation’s oil production and sales, and Iran Air, the country’s main air carrier.  Since the sanctions process began, the Iranian Rial has lost two-thirds of its value.  Demonstrations against the government, ongoing for almost a year now, have ticked up as the people protest Iran’s weak economy and jobs market, run-away inflation, and corruption in the highest levels of the theocracy that runs Iran.  The protesters have also loudly objected to the Iranian government’s financial support for terror groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, and Yemen’s Houthi Rebels while its own citizens suffer.  more here

1 Comment on New Sanctions on Iran: What You Need to Know

  1. “It should be noted that medicine and other humanitarian products are exempted from the U.S. sanctions. President Trump has made it clear that the United States cares for the Iranian people”

    I’ll be arguing this point with idiots for the next few weeks…

    Because damn sure msm and occupy will omit that little gem.


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