New Statement By Sessions Suggests He Has No Plans To Quit As Attorney General – IOTW Report

New Statement By Sessions Suggests He Has No Plans To Quit As Attorney General

DC: Attorney General Jeff Sessions isn’t planning on quitting his job anytime soon.

That’s the takeaway from a statement Sessions issued on Wednesday on a topic completely unrelated to the drama unfolding between him and President Trump.

In a statement about the Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety, Sessions indicated that he plans to stick around to carry out the work of the program, which Trump implemented in February and which the former Alabama senator has spearheaded.

“I will continue to review all of the Task Force’s recommendations, and look forward to taking additional steps towards ensuring safer communities for all Americans,” Sessions said on Wednesday.  read more

38 Comments on New Statement By Sessions Suggests He Has No Plans To Quit As Attorney General

  1. Maybe, just maybe, all Trump did was light a fire under AG Sessions’ behind. We can thank Comey for giving the erroneous perception that the President can’t meet privately with anyone in or under the DoJ without it being something nefarious. I wish Trump, Scarmucci or Sessions would take to Twitter and clear up this falsehood. And maybe Sessions is beginning to grasp the urgency that drives his boss. Who knows?

  2. I get the feeling Sessions, even though he’s been there forever, hasn’t been noticing how libs and rinos operate. You don’t tuck your tail when it isn’t called for and he should probably replace his relaxing lazy boy chair with a padless wooden chair. Get crackin! Ain’t nobody got time fo dat!

  3. MJA — No, he would not! As far as Sessions being a great pick or not, I’m still in his corner. I think he was a great pick, but he’s going to have to be more aggressive. Frankly, unless you’re an outsider/businessman/entrepreneur, I would think it’s very hard to see the gov’t as a subordinate to the People. I think part of what we’re sensing — that we are suspicious of — is the difference between those who now work for Trump who are outsiders and those who’ve always worked for gov’t. I don’t think all insiders are necessarily bad actors, they just don’t have the same drive and energy (that’s why they are career lawyers for the gov’t and not partners at a private firm). One big trade-off or loss for Trump in losing Sessions is Sessions’ collegiality with a broad swatch of legislators and others in D.C. So many people really think Sessions is one of the most decent human beings in the Swamp.

  4. Sessions has been The Invisible Man.

    Nice enough guy. NOT a fighter, much less the sort of ferocious warrior Trump needs against the Deep State.

    These public scoldings are Sessions’ last warnings. When Congress adjourns Trump can make Recess Appointments by the hundreds.

  5. For all his wonderful attributes, Sessions is still stuck on Senator. Senators have a hard time adjusting to a real job. Sometimes, a rude jolt to the ego is required to get results. We will see if PDT boot camp works.

  6. Senator Jeff Sessions was the first Senator to endorse Donald Trump during the days when he was considered to be almost a bad joke as a viable candidate. He stood by Trump throughout the campaign, and never wavered or spoke against Trump, even during all of the personal attacks by fellow Republicans after the exposure of the sordid pussy grabbing tape He was the most influential Senator in the fight against the Comprehensive (Amnesty) Immigration Bill, and was one of the most truly conservative Senators throughout his years in office. He didn’t waver and he didn’t sell out. He has been a loyal Trump supporter from the beginning. He has been moving forward on many fronts with a Justice Department that cannot be reformed overnight. President Trump needs to show some loyalty to Attorney General Sessions, and stop demeaning his earliest conservative supporter. Trump doesn’t need another firestorm to consume his agenda.

  7. Donald Trump is getting real tired of the alligators snapping at his ass. And to a point it’s Sessions job to keep them in their place. Especially when those Alligators are as corrupt as they are. Compare the jobs that Obamas Attorney General did protecting Obama to what Sessions is doing. The best defense is a strong offense. Tic Toc.

  8. Total different theory on this whole Trump/Sessions apparent dust up. I first have to give credit to Mrs Henry for this thought.

    Both men are master strategists and perhaps Sessions and Trump decided together that Trump would pretend that DJT was unhappy with Sessions so that a) there was plausible separation between WH and DOJ and b) Sessions could implement the agenda while media chased fake stories of a rift.

    They may be laughing themselves silly that their play acting has media chasing ghosts while Sessions has dropped the hammer on sanctuary cities, empowered ICE, etc.

    It’s like a military operation. While the enemy sees activity in place A, the offensive will be from point B, which has received no attention.

    I kind of like Mrs Henry’s theory. Make sense. Media describes it as chaos, but in fact, it’s cunning, subterfuge and a winning strategy.

  9. We need an attorney general with the same gentle disposition as Dr. Sebastian Gorka.
    If you are not rowing the boat, grab an oar and get busy. If you are rowing, row faster,
    No passengers allowed on my boat, get to work or get off.

  10. One more point on this. Steve Bannon was schooled by the master, Andrew Breitbart, who knew how to set up leftists and the media to make utter fools of themselves. I can only guess that he’s playing a little role in this fuck job.

    Don’t fall for what media is saying about this supposed rift. They’re being played meanwhile the agenda marches forward to victory.

  11. Trump going after Ryan and Turtle man nope! just Sessions. Brilliant
    wtf He’s the only freek’n conservative in his administration.
    Was it Session’s fault we cant repeal Obamacare?
    Sorry he’s going to be a one term president. Just tackle the freek’n tax code and get a big win. Get your damn daughter and son in law out of the white house too. he’s getting such bad advice for such a smart guy.

  12. Mr. Trump thanks for your loyalty NOT!
    How about spend more time on the white house leakers???
    Or maybe he has something to hide?
    Pissing off the conservative base that’s brilliant

  13. PHenry, that’s what I am wondering, too. I posted this earlier on another thread in reply to Petrus:

    “Petrus, what if the whole Sessions drama has been scripted? What if it was a massive exercise in misdirection of the media? It seems like a lot of biases and narratives are being confirmed too easily by an MSM too smug and lazy to realize they’re being played again. Maybe not, but with PDT, you can’t rule it out.”

  14. Can you imagine Trump and Sessions nearly pissing themselves laughing at the thought that the misdirection move made media miss everything? The erasure of obama legacy. The restoration of men. And women. In the military? Not freaks. That’s another shiny object, btw. More trout for dinner. The media is fighting to jump on the hook at this point.

  15. TO AA and MJA

    I try to keep it simple:

    1) the clock is ticking on Trump’s Presidency
    2) Sessions is a NON-PERFORMER
    3) ergo: BUH-BYE

    NOTE: this is independent of Sessions’ morals, ethics, past performance or just plain sweet smile. Fire the f*cker tomorrow and install someone without hesitation of being a hatchet man.

  16. Cato. I think we’re dealing with a level of street smarts not previously seen. The filleting of fish is imminent.
    What are your feelings about how you like your fish prepared?

  17. No, Sessions must go. No two ways, no speculation of Jedi mind games or 12-dimensional chess:

    Lowest of low-hanging fruit is being ignored. One of the most important crimes of the obama regime gets swallowed up by design:

    Whether it’s because of Deep State holdovers, inability to get new people through the confirmation process, whatever — I’m with CoD and BB. Tick Tock. The more time that elapses without action, the more emboldened and galvanized the Uniparty becomes. We need some real shock and awe to shake them out of their arrogant certainty that nothing will happen to them.

  18. AA,

    An aggressive prosecution of these crimes would take the pressure of DJT and most likely silence all this fabricated Russia crap. Not the job performance I would have expected out of this guy.

  19. All government Jobs and pay should be performance based, in most cases piecework.
    I have found that piecework teaches people how to produce.
    The great secret of getting things done.

  20. The original intent of the founders were citizen legislators. No pay. They took time away from there businesses to represent their peeps. The process is corrupt. Kill it with a stick.

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