New study shows staggering effect of coronavirus pandemic on America’s mental health – IOTW Report

New study shows staggering effect of coronavirus pandemic on America’s mental health

The Conversation- When the novel coronavirus roared into the U.S., mental health took a back seat to physical health. The number one priority was making sure hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed and that as many lives as possible could be saved.

Schools closed, remote work became the norm, restaurants shuttered and getting together with friends was no longer possible. The news cycle spun with story after story highlighting the ever-increasing number of cases and deaths, while unemployment soared to levels not seen since the Great Depression.

Any one of these shifts could be expected to cause an increase in mental health issues. Put together, they created a a perfect storm for a crisis.

Experts speculated as much, and polls showed that many people seemed to intuitively grasp the mental toll of the pandemic. However, data on mental health metrics was scant; we didn’t know the magnitude of any changes in mental health issues, nor did we understand which groups of people were suffering more than others.

So I decided to collect data on mental health during the pandemic and compare it to data from before all of this happened. The differences were even worse than I anticipated. more

24 Comments on New study shows staggering effect of coronavirus pandemic on America’s mental health

  1. And when the ‘second wave’ starts, the gov’t will shut us down again. And the republican party will stand by and watch them do it again without a peep. Again.

    And when the federal gov’t bails out the blue states, the republican party will let it happen. With nary a peep.

    And when the fed prints trillions to ‘remake’ the economy in the new green deal liberal image, the republican party will stand by and watch it happen. And do nothing at all to stop it. Again.

    If you think otherwise, you really haven’t been paying attention these last three months.

  2. Let me abbreviate the article so you don’t have to read the whole thing.

    “I’m a big fat pussy and I asked other big fat pussies how their pussies were holding up. Result? Pussies gotta’ puss.”

    You’re welcome.

  3. Everybody’s mental health has been affected.

    The amount of change is difficult to see in progressives/leftists, however—“worse than abysmal” is hard to measure.

  4. IMO, the main problem is the progressive philosophy preached for the past 50(?) years… “Truth is a variable, how you feel about it is the important factor…” Well, now is a truth that you cannot wish away, and your degree in gender studies won’t help.
    Get a grip snowflakes. The real world does not really care how you feel, and frankly, I don’t either.

  5. @Aaron Burr — Wish I’d read your comment first.

    I was thinking as I read, “Who writes this crap?”

    Look at the masthead of: The Conversation — “Academic rigor. Journalistic flair.”

    MJA — Who vets the crap that sometimes gets posted here at IOTW?

  6. The only mental illness increase I’ve noticed is the damn sicko leftist bastards increasing their power grabs and controls where allowed. Sick bastards with elitist dictatorship syndrome and tight-fisted control of the deplorables.

  7. I don’t see a problem. I stay hunkered down in my safe space with lots of activities. Today I finished two coloring books, one, a paint-by-numbers (kind of hard), and other I just colored within the lines. I like that one. But you know, I have been seeing more strange shadows out of the corners of my eyes, and there are weird noises at night that wake me up. I wonder a lot about the virus floating around outside even with no people around. But I like my governor. He’s ordered everyone to stay home, and that’s a good thing, because, well, I don’t want to die! And I’ll vote for Joe Biden any day, because he makes me relax and I trust him. He’s more like me, I think. Or maybe, I’m just like him. The Republicans want everyone to go back to work and the Democrats are taking care of the people with ventilators and stuff. I like that. They’re the party of the little man. And God knows I’ve shrunk a lot lately. Oh, shoot, there’s a Republican neighbor ringing my doorbell. I ain’t answering it! Dammit, it’ll need cleaning, now, too. Seems like I clean things for hours every day. Oh, it’s my brother Larry…

  8. Physical health? Many other physical ailments are being ignored or are being called COVID 19. People are doing without their cancer therapy. Other things that would have been in the works by now have been postponed or canceled because of this farce.

    We will have another pandemic in the next few years that will again require people to forfeit their civil liberties. And, of course, churches will be closed for over a year. Now they know how to get us to surrender and they are going to make the most of it.

  9. Aaron Burr – sums it up perfectly.

    We are doing fine at my place without crying and complaining.

    lots of vitamin B-4 and sunshine:

    Barbells, BBQ and Booze. In the back yard

  10. Can you imagine a scenerio where the They Live Network overlords say “No Contact Tracing, No Service”

    In other words, if YOU do not turn ON GPS tracked phone APPS, YOU will NOT be eligible to make or receive texts, calls or emails until YOU DO. Including any and all GOV ‘services’.

    Already happening

    And was discussed a few years ago, in advance

  11. What ‘mental health’ are we talking here?
    Most people I know are well and thoroughly pissed off with this nonsense.
    Being furious tends to get things done.

  12. @xxx May 10, 2020 at 8:08 pm

    > And when the federal gov’t bails out the blue states, the republican party will let it happen. With nary a peep.

    Not (Snopes grade) Truthy! Repeeps they much!

    (At least, until The United States CoC gets better lubricated.)

  13. @PHenry May 10, 2020 at 8:53 pm

    > How dare you question my hental mealth?

    Lockdown, social distancing, with even moar free internets!

    None DARE question another’s hentai wealth.

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