New study: U.S. brimming with oil reserves, but . . . – IOTW Report

New study: U.S. brimming with oil reserves, but . . .

. . . our fearless leaders have no interest in going to get them.

CAINtv: A new study shows that the United States has more energy reserves than Saudi Arabia or Russia. Most of it is still in the ground, but if we would bother to extract it, we would be truly energy-independent for the first time in our history.

The report comes from Rystad Energy, and indicates the U.S. is sitting on 264 billion barrels of oil. That’s 8 billion more than Russia and 52 billion more than Saudi Arabia. And all of this falls under the category of recoverable oil, which means it’s not just theoretically available but practically impossible to get to.  read more

12 Comments on New study: U.S. brimming with oil reserves, but . . .

  1. If you talk to some eco-liberal, they will tell you the world stopped producing oil when the dinosaurs died off. The fact of the matter, the earth is still producing oil today. Therefore oil is a renewable resource, just like wind and solar energy.

  2. yet we never hear the “t” word uttered in reference to any of our “elected” politicians or unelected bureaucrats.

    It’s spelled “TREASON”.

    also, how come the muslim terrorists or murderous mass shooters who so brazenly murder our fellow citizens with impunity never attack our elected politicians or bureacrats?

    our government
    lets our soldiers die with ridicules ROE in foreign wars and an un-working VA.
    lets our children go uneducated in indoctrination centers always utilizing the “new math” but never increasing education, in fact decreasing it.
    stifles small businesses and job creation with stupid regulations while subsidizing large international businesses with our tax dollars.
    burdens citizens households with high energy costs, high food costs, high healthcare costs and increased higher education costs.

    their “work” has been TREASONOUS.

  3. 4 clear points why the democrats don’t want energy independence. #NeverTrumpers call that the evil they know while insisting DJT would do something, probably, most likely, with little doubt catastrophic, unpredictable, racist, xenophobic (above all), and hateful (for certain), somehow with conviction while at the same time making their points through uncertainty.

  4. “…recoverable oil, which means it’s not just theoretically available but practically impossible to get to.”


    Do you suppose he meant to say “possible to get to”?

    If not, what’s the point?

  5. Energy independence which would result in a lower cost has the added benefit of partially negating the advantage of lower labor costs which drive our businesses to manufacture else where. Even for a meatball like me, coming to Texas with almost 1/3 the electricity cost I was paying in CO makes a $3-600 difference a month.

    Multiply that by millions and you begin to understand what a economy destroying motherfucker Obama/Jarrett is to have said our electricity is going to necessarily skyrocket. Skyrocket why? For the bullshit of AGW.

    Plus keeping 100s of billions of dollars out of the hands of the Saudis would go a long way towards tamping down some of this moslim madness. Iran too although there would other buyers-of course the more oil produced, the less expensive it is.

    Plus plus, imagine that money staying here starting with several 100,000 high paying energy sector jobs.The men I’ve met here in w Texas that work in the oil fields tell me when oil is ~$80+, the can have all the OT they can handle-they can make $150,000. That’s some good dough-now though they’re working less than 40s.

  6. @MM:

    The oil business (pronounced: ol’ bidness) is the only business in the world that, when times are good, does everything it can to produce the next glut and price crash. I grew up in west Texas, where we went from half the houses on the street being for sale to people living in campers on parking lots a year later, back to “house for sale” and “foreclosure sale” signs 2-3 years hence. It’s habitually, boom or bust. Keeping a company afloat during the lean requires putting some back during the halcyon days of any boom. I watched my father do that for over 40 years.

    One thing about growing up in oil country was the remarkable people it produces. Wildcatters and independent oil operators were all self-made. It doesn’t depend on who your daddy was, where you went to school or what your last name is, if you can’t find, extract or produce oil, you won’t last long. My father used to do business with a handshake, because in that culture, if you break your word or screw somebody over, word travels fast and, you’re soon done.

    Since the late 19-teens, people have been telling us the oil is all but gone, but we just keep on finding more and inventing better ways to get at it. I’m convinced Washington politicians hate the oil business, because it is so independent and successful. When DC decided to have us drive 55-mph in Texas, we basically told ’em to go piss up a rope. Keep it around 70, and you were okay back then, unless you were driving with plates from “up north”.

    Yeah, during every oil boom, we have an influx of people from “up north” who come down here and tell us how stuff is supposed to be done. We just let ’em rattle on until they realize we’re just politely ignoring them.

  7. We have even more oil than this study claims….
    A few years ago, there was a USGS report stating the US has over 1.5 Trillion recoverable barrels in (I think) the Green River formation alone. Total was 3 Trillion, with half recoverable. This meant the US has more oil that all reserves worldwide combined. Here it is…

    There’s another link I saved about the 1000 years of natural gas discovered in Alaska, but the link is now defunct. That was a collaboration between I think Phillips and the Federal Gov. The announcement was made by Sec Choo Choo. Found it…

  8. @Oil Field Trash: You summed up the oil industry here in Texas as well as I’ve ever seen it done, and with less words, too.

    P.S. – Your screen name reminded me of a bumper sticker I once saw on a pickup truck many years ago (70’s, I think). It read:



  9. Our “leaders” want to sell those resources to the highest bidder just like any other banana republic hacks do. They will not get a fair return on price. They will only reward themselves. And they won’t enforce environmental nor health laws on the foreign companies extracting the crude. They do the same thing now with food. They sell access to the US market for any foreign scumbag to dump poison and phony “food” products on us. That’s why so many Americans are fucked up in the gut and fat as houses.

    In case you haven’t noticed, the rich don’t even touch the same shitty food that we get.

  10. @VietVet all of it or most of it recoverable with fracking, but we would need a benchmark price of $60 per barrel for the company’s to turn a profit.

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