New tell-all book reveals Hillary and Bill blame the Clinton campaign for her defeat – IOTW Report

New tell-all book reveals Hillary and Bill blame the Clinton campaign for her defeat


DC: Bill and Hillary Clinton made no secret of the fact they blame campaign staffers for her defeat in the presidential election, according to a new book about her failed bid.

“She was visibly, unflinchingly pissed off at us as a group,” an unnamed staffer said in the book, according to an excerpt obtained by The Hill.  “And she let us know she felt that way.”

The book reveals the former secretary of state was full of excuses for why she faired poorly against Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the primary and President Donald Trump in the general election. Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes co-authored the book, titled “Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign.”


25 Comments on New tell-all book reveals Hillary and Bill blame the Clinton campaign for her defeat

  1. Hey Hillary, It was that “Basket of Deplorables” that kicked your big ass. Believe it. Get real. Take up knitting, embroidery, Needle point, Baby sitting, anything! But get to fuck out of our lives.

  2. typical progtard … blame everyone for your failures …. everyone BUT yourself

    “Let me be clear … I didn’t draw the Red Line … the World drew the Red Line”

  3. Don’t worry Hill, it had nothing to do with the inebriated, eye rolling, dog barking, injection man, word slurring, deplorable ally cat’s wife.
    It was, always will be, somebody else’s fault.

  4. I’ve worked on Many local, State and federal Campaigns over a 28 year period.
    District manager Illinois’ Senator Chuck Percy.
    Regional Director and Veterans Coordinator)for two Secretary of State’s Campaigns.
    Same SOS Candidate as state wide Asst. Campaign Manger.
    Regional Director for One Governor’s campaign and veteran’s coordinator (I refused to work on Edgar’s reelection for his second term as Governor, Liaison for another Governor (Ryan). Assisted with Raegan’s second campaign in Illinois, Assisted with George Herbert Bush Campaign twice (state-wide Veterans Coordinator,and was advance person for Barbara Bush two times and lastly worked on George Bush’s Campaign.
    Certainly campaign organizations and individuals play a major role. That role is subordinate to Issues, candidate grasp of the issues and their ability to articulate their issues to the public.
    Hillary had a competent staff, little strategic scheduling for appearances, no coherent or articulated issues. Her numerous negatives were well known and for the most part not refuted.
    She built the campaign, funded the campaign and she destroyed it.
    If fault is to be blamed, it all falls on Hillary, she was to be the author, leader and director of her campaign. Hillary’s high degree of incompetence and arrogance shimmered brightly from start to finish, regardless what the Main stream Press said.
    She built it, she owns it.

  5. Hell Cato. We knew that. That’s why she got her big, fat ass kicked. The Media still can’t get over it. I love to replay on youtube those video’s of guys like George Clooney, Colbert, Pelosi, laughing at Trump’s chances of winning. Love it.

  6. Oh BTW, the Children at Notre Dame College/University, Kindergarten, what ever the fuck it is, are demanding “safe space” because VP Mike Pence is going to speak at their commencement.
    Notre Dame used to be well,,whatever. I wish they’d get rid of their “Fighting Irish” shit, because Notre Dame ain’t worth an Irish Shit anymore, in my books. And I hope her Alumna,Alumnae,Alumni,or Alumnus, or whateverthehell they call themselves, would close their checkbooks.

  7. @Moe Tom

    Not really. I was a well paid political hack, in many cases with the responsibility to make arguments against the candidates short comings or their stance on issues that I too found to be repugnant.
    I am a rehabilitated hack. Thank God !

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