New Virginia study finds online schooling is severely damaging students’ academic achievement – IOTW Report

New Virginia study finds online schooling is severely damaging students’ academic achievement

Blaze: A new study conducted by Virginia’s largest school system found that distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic is severely damaging academic achievement.

In comparison to the last academic year, the percentage of middle school and high school students enrolled in Fairfax County Public Schools receiving marks of “F” in two or more classes during the first quarter of this academic year rose from 6% to 11%, the district’s Office of Research and Strategic Improvement found. The numbers represent a year-over-year increase of 83%.

Younger students were much more seriously affected than older ones, as middle-schoolers exhibited a 300% increase in marks of “F,” while high schoolers exhibited a 50% increase. read more

22 Comments on New Virginia study finds online schooling is severely damaging students’ academic achievement

  1. Although I keep posting things on Facebook about opening everything up, it’s pretty clear that those who respond are immovably in the ‘Open it Up!’ category or the ‘Masks work, but shut it down anyway even though that never worked’ category. I have tried all sorts of angles, the latter group just doesn’t care – and for some reason thinks that ‘if we all just wear our masks for 3 weeks it will go away’.

  2. LCD – Aaaaaaaannnnnnd don’t fergit the old “Flatten the Curve” 4 – 6 weeks max… 6 months ago!
    Anything to weaken America has been their collective goal for decades. They just keep finding new ways to do it!
    Dumb ’em down. Dumb de dumb dumb!

  3. My kids schools are giving them the entire week off for Thanksgiving. As if working at home for 25% of the time and going to school 2 days a week is stressing them out so much they need a longer break than normal.

    Property taxes are going up though, go figure. I’m still raging pissed the school rammed thru a referendum recently that raised taxes for the average home $380. Primary use of funds: rebuild a pool at the North school (my kid goes to the South school). But they couldn’t get a big enough referendum to make a bigger pool so they rebuilt the same frickin pool with an option to expand it on ANOTHER referendum in the future. And guess how many students have used the pool (at both north and south schools) due to the coof? That’s right, ZERO.

  4. @LCD: We were fed the excuse the entire pool needs to be rebuilt because of low air quality. The air filtration system wasn’t working well enough and some air quality experts came in and said there was unacceptable levels of bacteria and chlorine and whatever else in the air (mind you, this is 2 years before the coof). Why they couldn’t just replace the filtration system is beyond me. The idea of a bigger pool you would think would be for the students, but what the school wants to do is rent out the larger pool to hospitals and nursing homes for rehabilitation during off hours, stating it’s a much more attractive with a larger pool. The whole thing is just stupid. I imagine they will come in and dig out one end of the pool, extend it 10 feet and deal with premature cracking, requiring another new pool several years in advance of the expected lifespan.

    I mean, you couldn’t be this stupid if you tried. That’s how you know it’s genuine.

  5. Exactly what these scumbags want. It’s easier to control uneducated morons, and as an added bonus gives them an excuse to import more foreign H1B workers, because the American kids are too unskilled to make change for a dollar.

  6. @lcd, no doubt. I haven’t bothered to follow the money to say for sure though. All I know is for the next 20 years taxes for everyone are going up to pay off the bond. It will do no one any good for me to get more pissed finding out who benefits the most, so I’ll just stick to guessing that the connected benefit, in general..

  7. No shit. It’s one of the many reasons I retired early.Got them the best stuff money could buy and built the best network I could build in a rural area, even put wifi out there. Made sure business/trade devices are used instead of proprietary stuff.

    About 1/3 of the students do anything at all. Worse is the indoctrination by libtard loons moving rural to escape the burning cities they created.

    They’ve taken over the asylum, y’all…

  8. I just had a conversation with a high school junior’s mother who came home to her son, who is a football linemen and a tough kid who was in tears the other day. He was saying: Mom, I can’t take any more of this. I just don’t want to live this way.

  9. Something to consider: The “study” was designed and conducted by the govt educationist cabal, so all we really know is that the students are failing at what that cabal regards as “academic achievement”. Let’s just say that what they want to achieve and what I want to achieve are quite different.

    It’s entirely possible that without all the socialist/collectivist propaganda and indoctrination, these kids will turn out just fine.


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