New York: Andrew Cuomo Sued by Summer Camps – IOTW Report

New York: Andrew Cuomo Sued by Summer Camps

Dan Bongino: Yesterday, the Association of Jewish Camp Operators (AJCO) filed a lawsuit in the Northern District of New York against Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, after the governor decided not to allow sleepaway camps for the summer. Several parents joined the plaintiffs in the suit.

The New York Post reports that the AJCO is asking a judge to block the closures of camps because it violates freedom of religion and parents’ right to choose the “religious education and upbringing of their children.” more here

14 Comments on New York: Andrew Cuomo Sued by Summer Camps

  1. where in the hell am I supposed to get my annual Poison Ivy infection, along w/ my always fun Sea Nettle stings, if I can’t go to Summer Camp?!?!?!

    no more popsicle stick & loop yarn potholders for my mom! no whistle lanyards! no more crappy runny eggs & mystery-meat ‘bacon’? no more trying to peek in the girls cabins?

    I mean, didn’t anyone learn anything from ‘Dirty Dancing’? … this shit’s gotta stop …. NOW!!!

  2. This has little to do with catching poison ivy and more to do with the freedom to assemble.

    Right now? I am hearing a multitude of ’19th’ fireworks in the back round…who the fuck ever heard of that now deemed by NYS and NYC a holiday??

    Go buy a skateboard. That is if you don’t have a .410 or more already.

  3. ^^^^ sarcasm is lost on some … thank you, thank you, thank you so much for putting me in my place ^^^^

    apologies, apologies, apologies Horatio … if you don’t get it, you don’t get it
    …. relax, & enjoy our new ‘Independence Day’ 😉
    (don’t be offended … that’s sarcasm)

  4. Hey ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, no sarc, NOT directed at you.

    Maybe I am getting this wrong?

    I was building ON your sarc…

    That comment was not directed at you.

    But that said to Super Night shade –

    Go ahead I would like to hear more!


  5. …nuttin’, HP, folks just seem a bit more…bristly…than usual these days, seemed like we were headed that way again, no offense intended…

    “Come, come!’ said Gandalf. ‘We are all friends here. Or should be; for the laughter of Mordor will be our only reward, if we quarrel.”
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Two Towers”

  6. @Sns – Who can argue with Gandalf or St Paul for that matter?? There is just to much dam wisdom to NOT appreciate.

    “Speak ‘Friend’ and Enter”. And he, Gandalf, laughed.

    But ‘fly you fools!’

  7. ‘Cut your chains’, just like those men did for their children in Brooklyn at that park, just so they can play, on asphalt.

    This is not complicated. Liberty itself is at stake.

  8. @HP ~ guess we’re all getting a little too ‘touchy’, as you & SNS suggested

    we’re all on the same side, & they strive to divide

    … it’s all good

  9. It seems that “New York Tough” is particularly tough on elderly folks and children. Let’s not forget that the State and City failures killed over 30,000 citizens that expected help from their elected government, not excuses.


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