New York City Asks its Residents to Give Up Their Bikes to Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

New York City Asks its Residents to Give Up Their Bikes to Illegal Aliens


New York City is asking its residents to give up their bikes, helmets, and locks to illegal aliens so that the illegals can move through America’s biggest city with as much ease as possible.

New advertisements funded by the City of New York and appearing on electronic ad boards at bus stops and along sidewalks are asking the city’s residents to give up their own property to “help” illegal aliens, who the city ridiculously refers to as “asylum-seeking folks,” to “move around” with ease. MORE

30 Comments on New York City Asks its Residents to Give Up Their Bikes to Illegal Aliens

  1. New Yorkers are a pretty fucking stupid lot.
    Not enough to gouge the shit out of them with taxes and oppressive regulation, but now this?

    Well, New Yorkers are ALL volunteers in their own demise – so, my guess is that they’ll be more than happy to turn over their bikes to the illegal-alien invading rat-people.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Um yeah, that would be a big “F*** you!” Besides, why can’t they buy their own damn bikes with all of those gift cards bestowed upon them? New York has a brand, so act like it…bitch.

  3. Next stop, no one is going be allowed to have a single family home. You’ll have to take in several moochers so they don’t freeze in the cold. Be prepared, it’s coming.

  4. Yeah Sure.

    My Hi performance Mountain Bike bike has 2 cable locks, 1 Chain lock & is shackled to 2 very heavy Anchors 4 bolted into the Concrete Floor.

    You die if you touch it.

  5. Worker peasant TAX Slave
    FEBRUARY 25, 2023 AT 10:31 AM
    “Next stop, no one is going be allowed to have a single family home. You’ll have to take in several moochers so they don’t freeze in the cold. Be prepared, it’s coming.”

    …and then, YOU have to get out and let them have it entirely.

    Because, equity, or something.

  6. Those “new advertisements” featuring allowing illegals to roam about untethered, unmonitored, unvaxxed, and unvetted is a reminder of (D-NY) governor Huckster Hochul’s “new advertisements” and poster ads prompting and urging ethnic minorities to use “empowering” illegal drugs, especially targeting blak women.

  7. As parody this wouldn’t be funny. As what passes for ‘straight’ news it is a very queer story. But NYC has been under the control of a rotating cabal of queers for decades so LMFAO then spit on the ground and that’s that for NYC and the queers who run it.

  8. Suuuuure, the illegals can have my bike.
    As long as I’m allowed to duct tape him/her/it/them to the handlebars and frame, lock the wheels straight, and point the contraption due east into the deep water.

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