New York City suburbs furious at Mayor Adams’ plans to relocate migrants in their hotels – IOTW Report

New York City suburbs furious at Mayor Adams’ plans to relocate migrants in their hotels

JTN: Officials in New York City suburbs are strongly opposed to Mayor Eric Adams’ plans to relocate migrants to hotels in their towns.

Adams announced his plans Friday for New York to pay to house about 300 migrant men in two hotels in Rockland and Orange counties – in an attempt to ease the burden of hosting the city’s growing number of illegal migrants, which would include those buses from Texas.

Less than a day later Adams announced the plan, Rockland officials began trying to stop Adams’ plans, The New York Times reported.

“It felt like they were trying to do a Friday night drop,” Orangetown town supervisor Teresa Kenney said. 

Kenny, whose town is in Rockland County, said she learned about the plan hours before Adams announced it.

“I feel like the mayor called me to check a box so he couldn’t be criticized for not talking to us.” MORE

10 Comments on New York City suburbs furious at Mayor Adams’ plans to relocate migrants in their hotels

  1. I was going to make snarky comments about who the residents of Orange and Rockland counties voted for in 2020, but I was pleasantly surprised when I looked up the election results. Rockland did put Biden over Trump, but by the small margin of 50.4% to 48.7% (and Biden won only by fraud I’m sure). Orange voted 49.3% for Trump and 49.2% for Biden (whoever handled the fraud screwed up).

    My conclusion is that it is appropriate to sympathize with the people of those two counties in that they didn’t really vote for the invasion/occupation.

  2. Shitlibs: “We’re a Sanctuary City/State because we’re not evil racists like all you rethugliKKKans!!!”

    Also Shitlibs: “Stop sending 1% of your undocumented to our city. We can’t afford them!!!”

    Also Shitlibs: “You surrounding non-Santuary cities should take some of these undocumented from us as punishment for not being as kind, non-racist, and welcoming as we noble progressives are.”

  3. This reminds me of when the State of Ohio uncerimoniously shut down the State mental health hospitals and dumped the problem fully and squarely on the counties, who in turn used taxpayer money without any actual vote to give stipends to anyone who would take the insane and unable to live on thier own people into their homes with only a very minimal training class that seemed to consist of “Call an ambulance if things get dicky” and a CALL 911 card. The more they took in, the bigger the stipend, and none of that notifying the neighbors that your’re opening a group home for the insane next door was required, either.

    It worked just about as well as you’d expect it to work. A big part of our homeless problem dates from then and no one being willing or able to manage the insane so they would be turned out onto the streets after the “resident managers” decided the game wasn’t worth the candle (literally sometimes as the insane tried to burn houses down too), and here we are now.

    But the illegal immigrant thing is MUCH worse, has MUCH larger numbers, many are insane, many are drug users, many are gang members, and some are from OTM nations that genuinely intend harm on this Nation and its peoples, and ALL are being loosed to overwhelm the system and usher in a new era of a tyranny the replacement workers are already accustomed to, deliberately and in targeted fashion by an illegitmate “Federal” goverment that is only concerned to maintain its own power, increase its own wealth, and cover its own crimes. Its gone too far for them to stop now, for they have earned a rope and they KNOW it.

    I’ve read this book before.

    The end is pretty bloody.

  4. It would be cheaper to house them in the NY prisons; Rykers, Attica, Sing-Sing, and Bedford Hills. I figure they all have to be empty since nobody ever gets convicted of crimes anymore.

  5. Cull all these criminal politicians, kill them with roach spray, then populate their comfortable homes with their invited ‘guests’. I’m proposing this very seriously.

  6. Winter is over, let’s put them in tent cities. Everyone gets a cot in a 12 man tent and military rations. If it’s good enough for our courageous soldiers, it’s good enough for illegal invaders.


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