New York City to Implement New Restrictions on Utensils, Condiments, Napkins – IOTW Report

New York City to Implement New Restrictions on Utensils, Condiments, Napkins

And Extra Containers in Take Out Orders to Combat Waste and Climate Change.


The Democrats have outdone themselves. After a recent series of policy initiatives targeting everyday appliances such as gas stoves, air conditioners, water heaters, dishwashers, and portable gas generators, the Democrat party have now shifted their focus towards reducing waste generated by utensils, condiments, napkins, and containers (UCNC) used in food service.

In their latest quest to save the planet from waste and climate change, Mayor Eric Adams signed a bill, Skip the Stuff, earlier this year, in relation to “restricting the provision of eating utensils, condiment packets, napkins and extra eating containers, and clarifying the definition of third-party courier service.”

The move is set to take effect on July 31, 2023, affecting food service establishments across New York City.

Under the new rules, food service establishments are prohibited from providing utensils, condiment packets, napkins, or extra containers to take-out or delivery customers, unless specifically requested by the customer.

Online ordering and delivery apps will have to be updated to reflect this default setting, while delivery and courier services are also expected to adhere to these restrictions. more

15 Comments on New York City to Implement New Restrictions on Utensils, Condiments, Napkins

  1. Oh, thank God! I just can’t help myself with those free packets of mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise, relish and hot sauce – like I’ve gotta have ’em every time I visit New York City, which, so far, is like fucking NEVER!

  2. That’s going to help the filth of NYC.

    How about the homeless encampments? I’m certain they put ALL of their used trash in trash dumpsters.

    Such useless measures to tackle a huge city wide problem. Typical demoncrat smoke and mirrors solution.

  3. All of the pols who voted for this legislation, especially those who introduced and sponsored the bill, need to be forced to practice “carbon sequestration” of their exhalations, 24×7. Oh, that technology doesn’t exist yet? Tough shit, don’t exhale.

  4. Didn’t we go through this (or something similar) some years back?
    Get rid of the Styrofoam “to go” containers, and plastic straws, for paper.
    And still the Libtards aren’t satisfied.

  5. Adams is like that guy, who, when the Titanic struck the iceberg, ordered all the deck chairs to be re-arranged.

    What a worthless piece of shit – but then, that’s New York City! A worthless piece of shit for a worthless piece of shit city.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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