New York City Wants $1 Billion to Help Exploit Biden’s Migrants – IOTW Report

New York City Wants $1 Billion to Help Exploit Biden’s Migrants


New York City’s Mayor Eric Adams wants $1 billion from other Americans to subsidize the city’s economic strategy of importing penniless immigrants for use by New York’s business leaders.

“We need help — and we need to now,” Democratic Mayor Eric Adams said in a Friday press conference, adding:

Today we’re issuing a clear message — [the] time for aid to New York is now. We need help from the federal government. We ned help from the state of New York. Our city is doing our part and now others must step up and join us …. We need those to come through.

Adams also demanded preferential treatment from legislators nationwide:

We need legislation that will allow these asylum seekers to legally work now, not the six months … We need a coordinated effort to move asylum-seekers to other cities in this country to ensure everyone is doing their part and Congress must pass emergency financial relief for our city and others. Finally, we need a bipartisan effort to deliver long awaited immigration reform.

“We expect to spend at least $1 billion by the end of the fiscal year on this crisis, all because we have a functional and compassionate system,” he said. more here

17 Comments on New York City Wants $1 Billion to Help Exploit Biden’s Migrants

  1. The Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite has grown into entire cities!
    I said a long time ago that I did not want my tax dollars going to prop up California because of their own greed and stupidity. Now it has metastasized into ^^THIS^^!

    How to Break a Nation:
    Just keep looting the Federal Treasury like it’s an inner city CVS
    When are we going to learn that the Left isn’t trying to solve any problems with our money. They are trying to make us insolvent!

  2. Our kleptoparasitic government has no end, the more money they take the more they spend. Voters better wise up to the endless tax and spend spin loop con-game.

  3. NYC voters could save themselves a lotta money by voting for a qualified candidate. This clown is an Affirmative Action dumb ass. His entire career he was promoted because of the color of his skin, not because of his accomplishments or potential. It is really embarrassing to listen to him speak. He sounds like a 6th grader who was out all night.


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